How easy and confident to prune an apple tree in the fall - we remove all unnecessary

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Pruning an apple tree does not require any special knowledge or skills, so even a beginner can cope with this task. You just need to master the theory and practice a little, after which you can safely prune trees without any difficulties.

Apple tree pruning. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Apple tree pruning. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Before you start pruning the apple tree, be clear about what you are doing it for. It all depends on the age and type of tree. Pruning itself can be rejuvenating, sanitary, or formative, and it can include a ton of features. In this article, we will consider all types.

How to prune old apple trees in the fall

If you want to rejuvenate an apple tree, then consider the following factors:

  • You cannot completely rejuvenate a tree in one season. If you overdo it too much, you can kill the tree.
  • This type of pruning should be carried out only after the foliage has fallen and sap flow, but before frost. Otherwise, the plant will start to hurt and is unlikely to live until spring.
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  • Only rejuvenate healthy wood. If you try to prune a sick apple tree, you will immediately undermine the already weak immunity, rather than simply kill the plant.

The pruning itself is carried out in 3 stages. At the first, it is necessary to clear the tree trunk from moss and lichen, as well as remove all deformed or dried branches. The second stage is to thin out the crown of the tree. Remove intertwining branches and shoots that grow into the trunk itself. Everything ends with the third stage, at which the crown itself is formed. One tier should contain 3-4 healthy branches that extend almost perpendicularly from the trunk. The distance should not exceed a range of 50-60 cm. The upper tier can contain a maximum of 3 strong branches.

Pruning apple trees in the fall. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Pruning young apple trees in the fall

It all depends on the age of the tree. Depending on this, some features of cropping appear or disappear. Annual seedlings can be without branches or have only a few weak branches in their arsenal. The first case involves shortening to 80-100 cm. In the second case, the central conductor is shortened, and all branches up to 70 cm from the ground are cut off. Those branches that extend almost perpendicularly from the trunk are simply removed.

Two-year-old seedlings are already acquiring several strong branches that have formed correctly. They need to be shortened to 30-40 cm, the center conductor too.

Pruning time

No matter how funny it may sound, you will not get an exact answer to this question anywhere. This is due to the peculiarities of the region's climate and the absence of any strict framework. You yourself are free to decide when to trim the apple tree, but you can rely on the following conditions to make it easier to navigate:

  • Opal foliage.
  • No stable frosts.
  • The land is already cultivated or mulched.
If you see at least one of the factors, you can safely start pruning the apple tree. With proper care, this tree will delight you with delicious fresh apples for more than a dozen years, as well as decorate the garden in the spring.

Do you know how to easily and confidently prune an apple tree in the fall?

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