How to make your beet crop sweet and delicious

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Gardeners always try to ensure that sweet sugary beets grow on their plots. They fertilize the beds, pick up seeds, water them on time, but the result is not always pleasing.

Beet. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Beet. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Where better to plant beets

Experienced gardeners know that beets do not like acidic soil, so planting should be carried out in soil neutral in acidity. In addition, in no case should fresh organic matter be used when planting. Manure, while providing plants with nitrogen, at the same time imparts an unpleasant iodine flavor to the beets. The fruits themselves will eventually be dirty red with whitish veins.

Beets are well accepted in the beds if peas, potatoes, cabbage, onions, or cucumbers have grown on them. If you prepare a garden bed in the fall, adding all the necessary fertilizers there, it will be sweet and juicy.

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Seeds that are bought in stores are often brought in. It is possible, however, to reveal a pattern that sweeter roots grow from cylindrical seeds. The sweetest varieties are a hybrid of Pablo F1, Cylinder, Detroit-baby and Detroit-neo, Incomparable A463.

You need to know that beetroot loves moisture both during the growing season and during the growth of root crops. Therefore, it is advisable to water it more often on dry ground. In addition, it is better to plant beets in soil with humus, loose, so that there is air access.

The beets are planted in a garden bed in two lines with an interval of 20 centimeters, and the planted by sowing seeds is thinned out after germination. Beets love space, so the distance between the plants should be about 10 centimeters so that the ripening fruits do not interfere with each other's growth. Thinning should preferably be done in several stages. The first time after the appearance of 4 leaves. And the second, when root crops begin to appear.

Beets are fed with mullein infusion and wood ash at the rate of 3 cups per 1 m². Ash reduces soil acidity and serves as a top dressing. Sour and tough soil makes root vegetables tough and bitter in taste.

Beet. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Salt makes beets sweet

Paradoxically, if you add ordinary table salt to the top dressing of beets, then the roots become juicier and sweeter. In order to prepare the infusion, take a teaspoon of salt in a bucket of water and pour it into a bucket for each square meter. This feeding should be done in three stages. First time six leaves appear on beets. The second time the beets are fed when a root crop appears 10 cm. The third, and last, once two weeks after the second feeding. Salt should be table salt and by no means iodized.

It is even better to use sodium nitrate instead of salt, but it is difficult to obtain, so you can get by with salt. Before starting top dressing, the soil must be mulched and properly loosened.

Fertilizer use

Beets are plants that cannot be planted in the same place several times. If planted in the same bed, then the root crops become tasteless, their structure turns white, and the beets become smaller.

She also does not like shade, because without the sun, the root crop practically does not gain sugar, but rather actively absorbs nitrates from the soil.

For feeding beets, fertilizers are needed that increase the plant's immunity to diseases, resistance to unfavorable weather conditions, enrich the soil with nutrients that give the beets juiciness and sweetness.

The use of fertilizers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

In late July - early August, it is advisable to water the beets with a solution of fertilizers that contain manganese and boron. These elements allow it to better accumulate vitamins and sugar in fruits. The proportions for irrigation are as follows: take 1 tsp. l. microelements per 10 liters of water and use a mixture for every 2 sq. m.

Usually such complexes are used that are designed specifically for fertilizing root crops: "Epin-extra", "Zircon", "Narcissus", "Oberig". All of these supplements are completely harmless to humans. In addition, beets love micronutrient fertilizers, which serve to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and stimulate growth, such as "Uniflora-micro" or "Cytovita".

Do you know how to make the beet harvest sweet and delicious?

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