How to pinch a petunia to make it lush

  • Dec 13, 2020

When we pinch the petunia correctly, it becomes more magnificent, beautiful. Compliance with a number of recommendations will help to achieve abundant flowering. If you ignore the manipulation, the bush will grow in height, it will look sloppy.

If you pinch the petunia correctly, it becomes more magnificent, beautiful. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
If you pinch the petunia correctly, it becomes more magnificent, beautiful. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Why is the procedure needed

Pinching is required for:

  • stimulation of growth, development of lateral branches;
  • ensuring abundant flowering;
  • getting a compact, lush bush.

Rules of conduct

It is imperative to pinch old, non-decorative varieties. In addition, it will be necessary to manipulate plants that have grown from self-collected seeds.

The procedure is carried out when the seedlings are actively growing. From the moment the first shoots appear, no more than 30-55 days should pass. You can pinch off the kidneys with your fingers, but it is better to use a well-sharpened cutting tool. Be sure to use a pair of scissors, knife or pruning shears. The instrument must be sterile. Otherwise, you can bring in pathogenic bacteria, harm the plant.

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The shoot should be cut off over 4 or 5 sheets. In the place of the break, a new growth point is formed, from where young secondary shoots will stretch.

Do not do anything if the seedlings stop growing in the first few days after pinching. After 2-3 days, the plants will recover, after which they will begin to stretch more actively. At the same time, the lower part of them will strengthen, become resistant to the adverse effects of the environment.

After removing the tops of the planting, they need feeding. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Leaving after pinching

After removing the tops of the planting, they need feeding. After a few days, use a growth stimulant, following the instructions attached to the product. Suitable:

  • "Endophyte";
  • "Epin";
  • "Succinic acid";
  • "Regoplant".

After fertilization, they are introduced every 10-15 days. Apply complex mineral supplements with a high nitrogen concentration. The plant also needs systematic watering, regular loosening of the soil. In addition, you will have to remove faded buds, dried shoots or leaves.

Examine petunias regularly to detect parasites in a timely manner. To avoid contamination, use pesticides, folk remedies for insect pests. The infected plant should be treated with insecticides as soon as possible. Otherwise, insects can crawl to neighboring bushes. To prevent the development of pathological processes, use preparations containing copper for processing.

To accelerate the growth of side shoots, observe the recommended temperature regime. At night, the room where the seedlings are kept should get colder by 4-6 degrees.

Do you pinch petunias to make them lush?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about pinching cucumbers in the following article:How and why to pinch cucumbers