How and when to spray grapes from diseases: drugs and folk remedies

  • Dec 13, 2020
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To get an excellent harvest of grapes, regular watering and dressing is not enough. Invasion of pests and various diseases can nullify all efforts. In order to fight them in a timely manner, we spray the grapes from diseases and insects using various means.

The grapes must be sprayed against diseases and insects using various means. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The grapes must be sprayed against diseases and insects using various means. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Pests of grapes and the fight against them

Plants can suffer from various pests, but it is advisable to know the main ones. The most dangerous for grapes are:

  • phylloxera - small insects hiding in the roots and lower part of the vine;
  • mites - insects 0.15-0.6 mm in size, appearing in spring and feeding on the foliage and buds of grapes;
  • leafworms are gluttonous caterpillars that actively eat flowers, buds, leaves and stepsons.

To get rid of insects, plantings should be treated with special agents. To achieve maximum effect, you need to spray the plants several times a year.

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In the spring, the first treatment is carried out when the temperature is set from + 5 ° C. To protect against diseases and mice, the vine is irrigated with a 3% solution of copper sulfate. Additionally, the soil is watered with the agent to destroy pathogenic microbes. After 15 days, the plantings are sprayed with Nitrafen when the first 5 leaves appear. The last irrigation is carried out before flowering. Choose a drug depending on the specific disease and pest.

In summer, it is necessary to protect the grapes from fungal infections. Use means with copper or sulfur, as well as a solution of potassium permanganate. Spray the vine when the berries ripen and repeat once every 10 days.

In autumn, grapes are irrigated after pruning to prevent fungal diseases and rodent infestations. Before hibernation, plants are treated with copper sulfate. Planting is irrigated in the evening, when it is dry and cloudy.

The grapes can be affected by various pests. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Insecticides and Biologicals

Bordeaux liquid is the most popular chemical. It deals with most fungi, rot, downy mildew and anthracnose. First, the vine is treated with a 3% solution before bud break. Then the plants are sprayed with 1% agent when the leaves bloom.

Copper sulfate fights fungal diseases. In 2 liters of water, it is necessary to dissolve 300 g of the drug and slaked lime, mix and filter. For preventive irrigation, use 100 g of granules. Iron vitriol is used after removing the shelter. 10 liters of water will require 500 g.

Biological products are made on the basis of microorganisms that destroy pests and fungi.

Fitosporin is used to get rid of phytosporosis, root rot, powdery mildew, etc. It is used for prophylaxis once every 14 days. The dosage of the product is indicated in the annotation on the package. The drug is available in powder and suspension form. You can find a paste-like Fitosporin on sale.

Trichodermin protects plantings from all kinds of rot and fungal diseases. For 10 liters of water, 50 ml of solution is enough. To prevent lesions, the vine is sprayed every 2 weeks after the foliage has bloomed.

To achieve maximum effect, you need to spray the plants several times a year. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Folk remedies

There are many different natural remedies available to help get rid of harmful insects. Folk recipes will save grapes at no extra cost. For example, aphids can be effectively dealt with with soapy water. It is necessary to dissolve 300 g of shavings in 10 liters of water. You can use liquid soap. Mix thoroughly and water the grape leaves.

Planting parsley around the perimeter of the garden will save you from the phylloxera invasion. The smell of spice is excellent at repelling pests.

Applying a decoction of wormwood will destroy the leafworm. You need to take 200 g of fresh grass and boil in 1.5 liters of water. The foliage is abundantly pollinated.

To combat powdery mildew, soda ash is used. Dissolve 40 g in 10 liters of warm water and pour in 2 tbsp. liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Stir everything well and process the affected vine. To prevent the appearance of a pest, you can use a soda solution.

It is worth processing the vine on time, following the above rules. Then the aphid or leafworm will not destroy the entire crop.

Do you spray grapes against diseases and pests?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about pruning grapes in the following article:How to prune grapes correctly - detailed instructions for beginners