How to get rid of root growth in the garden

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Roots of trees and shrubs, if left unchecked, can fill the garden. In order to get rid of root growth, it is important to determine and eliminate the causes of its appearance, as well as choose the best way for the garden to get rid of unnecessary shoots.

Root shoots. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Root shoots. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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Reasons for the appearance of root shoots

Among garden plants, there are many that are prone to the formation of root growth: plum, cherry, raspberry. Root outgrowths can also appear in other trees. This signals their distress.

Diseases and injuries in trees

This is the most common cause of root shoots. Fungal and bacterial diseases, frost cracks, serious mechanical damage can destroy the tree. Unable to cope with these factors, the plant tries to survive on its own and give life to a new generation in all ways available to it. Including releases root shoots.

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In the fall and spring, process the garden with iron sulfate; in summer - as needed. This will reduce the infectious background in the garden. Examine the trees closely every month. Clean the discovered wounds with a knife and treat with a fungicide and an antibacterial agent, carefully coat with garden varnish.

Poor garden layout

Sometimes the aesthetic preferences of the garden owner may not match the needs of the plants. Light-loving trees find themselves in the shade, and shade-tolerant ones - in the sun. By releasing root shoots, the plant signals discomfort and tries to "move" to a place with more suitable conditions.

When setting up a garden, study what conditions the variety prefers. Plant bushes and trees in steps, focusing on the parts of the world and the degree of illumination of the site. Stunted ones will feel better from the south side, tall ones will have enough light in the northern part of the garden. A checkerboard pattern is possible when disembarking.

If you have already made these mistakes, there are two options for correcting the situation. Thin branches from dense trees shading nearby ones. And more drastic: cut down less needed plants.

Insufficient watering

With a small amount of water, the roots tend to be closer to the surface. Having made their way to moisture, they release shoots. This problem is solved by watering the land along the entire perimeter of the crown. Young suction roots are farthest from the trunk.

Exposed roots

This problem occurs when the seedling is not buried properly. The solution is simple: fill the roots with enough soil.

Excessive tree trimming

For plants, the balance between the number of roots and the volume of the crown is extremely important. If the skeletal branches are over-pruned, the tree will try to release as many new shoots as possible on the trunk, as well as shoots on the roots. Try not to cut the crown so drastically next time.

Incompatibility of grafting with stock

In this case, root shoots appear even in a young seedling. With the wrong choice of the mother plant for the scion (for example, an apple tree for a pear), it is easy to notice a sharp change in the thickness of the trunk at the grafting site. The metabolism is disturbed, the tree does not develop well, is susceptible to disease. Sometimes it begins to bear fruit ahead of time, trying to complete the breeding cycle.

Unfortunately, it is better to re-graft such trees onto a suitable stock, correcting the mistake. If the plant is already dying, bridging can be tried as a temporary solution to restore sap flow.

Root shoots. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Ways to deal with root shoots

Root shoots take away the strength of the tree, making it vulnerable to disease and pest infestation. Because of them, the fruits become smaller, lose their juiciness. The overgrowth disrupts the airflow of the garden, and just gives the site a neglected look.

There are three ways to get rid of unnecessary scions:

  1. Regular pruning with a pruner, hacksaw, disc trimmer. This method, unfortunately, does not allow getting rid of the problem forever, especially in plants prone to the release of root shoots (plum, raspberry). When pruning, dormant buds awaken on the stem of the appendix, it will continue to grow, and at the same time it will also begin to bush.
  2. Digging out overgrowth. An optimal, albeit laborious, way. If the process is already large, you will have to chop off the root of the mother plant with a hatchet.
  3. The use of herbicides. The method can be used only as a last resort. With a herbicide, you will cause irreparable damage to the tree from which the growth is coming, as well as to the soil. If you want to get rid of the tree as well, cut it down. Drill holes in the hemp and fill them with herbicide.

How to prevent root growth in the garden?

First of all, it is important to analyze the condition of the garden and eliminate the possible cause of the appearance of shoots. If it lies in the species tendency to overgrowth, you can use the following methods:

  • Dig sheets of slate or metal into the ground along the perimeter of the crown. This will help prevent the roots from spreading over long distances. Shoots will appear only next to the mother plant.
  • Application of growing a tree or bush from a bone. The seedlings from the growth themselves tend to give root shoots.

Do you know how to get rid of root growth in the garden?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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