How to save a summer harvest in a city apartment

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. It is not enough to grow a crop - it must also be preserved. Especially many problems with this have the townspeople who grow vegetables in the country and do not have cellars and sheds. But you can successfully store food in an ordinary city apartment.

Preparations for the winter. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Preparations for the winter. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Preparing vegetables

Before sending the crop for storage, vegetables must be prepared for this. You need to do at least the following:

  1. Clean products from tops, lumps of soil and spoiled parts (for example, cabbage - from dry or rotten upper leaves).
  2. Dry. For potatoes, beets and carrots, you just need to lie for 1-3 days in a dry place, but onions or garlic need to be dried in the sun for a long time.
  3. Sort out, ruthlessly rejecting sick, damaged or rotten vegetables. Something should be thrown out immediately, but something (for example, potatoes cut with a shovel or carrots) should be eaten as soon as possible.
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Storing potatoes

It is necessary to store the tubers at a temperature of about +5 degrees and a humidity not higher than 80%. The main condition is darkness, so that solanine does not form in the potatoes. How storage containers are suitable:

Potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
  • bags made of synthetic or burlap;
  • corrugated cardboard boxes;
  • wooden boxes with holes.

The container should allow air to pass through, but not light. You can place it:

  1. In the pantry.
  2. On the landing.
  3. On the insulated balcony. If the balcony or loggia is not insulated, the container can be placed inside a large box and covered from all sides with a layer of heat insulator (sawdust, shavings, broken foam, etc.).

Storage of beets and carrots

Beets need the same temperature as potatoes, but a lot of moisture. Therefore, in extreme cases, the beets can be put directly on the potato layer: moisture evaporating from it will keep the root vegetable juicy.

Also, beets are usually stored in a box of wet sand, moistening it from time to time. But then you need a temperature no higher than +5 so that the beets do not start growing.

Carrots are stored in approximately the same way - only unlike beets, they do not need moisture. Just put the carrots, dried 1-2 days in the sun, with cut tops in a box on a layer of sand or sawdust, on top pour another layer, on it - again carrots... There can be as many layers as you like, the main thing is that the top carrot is covered with sand. So carrots can lie for six months.

Carrot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Onion and garlic

Prepared for storage (that is, peeled and dried bulbs) can be kept at temperatures up to +22 degrees and humidity up to 70%. They are stored in several ways:

  • in braids, weaving dry tops;
  • in boxes with lattice walls and bottom;
  • in old nylon stockings.

Garlic is stored in the same way. The only difference between them is that medium onion heads are laid for storage: large ones can rot. But the garlic heads should be chosen just the largest: the small ones will dry out over the winter and become tasteless.


Cabbage is stored at a temperature of about zero and humidity up to 90%. Therefore, it is necessary to lay it for storage in the coldest place of the apartment, for example, on an unheated but closed loggia.

Before storage, only rotten leaves are removed from the heads of cabbage, the rest of the upper leaves are not touched: they protect the pulp from diseases. Each head of cabbage is wrapped in paper and stacked in layers, stumps up.

Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

You can store small heads of cabbage in the refrigerator, also wrapped in paper.


Honestly, the answer to the question: “How to store greens? - it will be very simple - no way. " Dill, parsley or lettuce are not stored for a long time in their natural form. It is better to dry or freeze them. But there are several ways to extend the shelf life of fresh herbs:

  • cut stalks of parsley and dill can be put in a container of water like a bouquet of flowers, and the container itself can be kept in a dark place for several days;
  • if the greens are dried from external moisture (not from juice), wrapped in cheesecloth and put in a plastic bag, then they will lie in the refrigerator for a long time;
  • keep the salad in the refrigerator in any tightly closed container;
  • green onions are stored in the same way, but first the feather must be separated from the bulb.
But in general, the greens are better prepared, rather than trying to keep them fresh.

Do you know how to preserve crops in a city apartment?

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