Indoor monstera: how to transplant an exotic liana at home

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. A rapidly developing tropical plant monstera periodically needs to be transplanted into a new pot (soil). This is not difficult to do if you follow the recommendations of experienced florists.

Room monstera. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Room monstera. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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Transplant methods

There are two ways to move a flower from one pot to another. In the first case, the plant is carefully removed from the container, shaking slightly to free the roots from the old soil. Then the vine is placed in a flowerpot, filling it with fresh soil. This transplant method is suitable for monstera no older than 3-4 years.

An older flower is moved to a new place by transshipment (with an earthen ball). This method will relieve the plant of stress, however it is only suitable for plants with completely healthy roots.

Attention! Monsters up to 2–3 years old are transplanted annually. Adult plants need this procedure less often - once every 2-3 years.
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Preparing for the event

A healthy tropical crop is transplanted into a new pot, slightly larger in size than the old one. After transplanting, small voids in a new container are filled with fresh soil purchased from a flower shop.

If the soil is prepared independently, then it is taken in equal proportions:

  • sod land;
  • bottom peat;
  • humus;
  • gravel;
  • vermiculite.

This composition will provide the flower with sufficient nutrition, good moisture and air permeability.

A tropical flower does not need too large containers. When choosing a pot, you need to focus on the size of the root system. In addition, it should be borne in mind that monstera is an epiphyte plant. Part of its aerial roots protruding from the flowerpot is quite normal.

A drainage layer is poured into a pot with holes in the bottom, consisting of any available means: expanded clay, small pebbles. This is necessary so that water does not linger in the soil, since excess moisture causes root rot.

Room monstera. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Transplanting process

Gently, holding the flower by the lower part of the trunk, take it out of the pot. It is most convenient to do this by placing the container on its side. To facilitate the procedure, a few days before the transplant, the monster is watered. Then slightly dry, but loose soil will not interfere with the transshipment process.

The root system of the flower is carefully examined. If there are rotten roots, they are removed with a disinfected instrument (scissors, a sharp knife). Places of cuts are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or treated with pharmacy brilliant green.

A healthy plant is immediately placed in a container with drainage, carefully spreading the roots and sprinkling them with prepared soil. The pot is filled so that no voids remain in it. The soil should not be compacted, as this will impede moisture and air exchange.

After transplanting, the tropical flower is watered abundantly with settled water. This measure is applied at a time. Later, after the flower adapts in a new pot, it is watered in the same mode, taking into account the current season.

Immediately after transplanting, the exotic culture does not need additional feeding. All the essential nutrients are contained in fresh soil. However, after a month, you can feed the flower with a mineral fertilizer complex.

Exotic beauty monstera perfectly tolerates the transplant procedure. This activity, carried out with partial or complete soil replacement, will ensure good development of the plant.

Do you know how to transplant an exotic liana at home?

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