How to Grow Bumper Cucumber Yields - 9 Proven Tips

  • Dec 13, 2020

To increase the yield of cucumbers, it is necessary to choose the right variety, ensure regular soil moisture, systematically clean up stepchildren, loosen and mulch the soil in the greenhouse. To improve growth, cucumbers need to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Planting cucumbers should be mulched regularly. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Planting cucumbers should be mulched regularly. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Rules of care and increasing yields

It is necessary to consider when deciding how to grow an unprecedented harvest of cucumbers, 9 proven tips.

It is important to identify suitable vegetable varieties in accordance with the climatic characteristics of the region. Plants must be suitable for the local conditions and bear fruit for a long time. The varieties must be resistant to pests and diseases. Until the autumn period, Phoenix cucumbers bear fruit in the central zone of Russia. The Dalnevostochny 17 variety has resistance to diseases and good yield.

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Watering for vegetables must be organized correctly and in the required amount. Sufficient soil moisture affects the quality and volume of cucumber crops. The volume of water is regulated depending on the climate and weather conditions. In the hot period, daily watering is required, the water should be warm. With a cold snap, it is necessary to reduce moisture to prevent bitterness in the cucumber pulp.

In case of poor pollination, it is required to process the plants with a brush. Pollen from male flowers must be transferred to female ovaries. In the presence of 2-3 beds with cucumber crops, self-pollination is not recommended. You can stop watering for a short period, then the cucumbers will form female buds, and pollination will stabilize.

Watering for vegetables must be organized correctly and in the required amount. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The next recommendation of gardeners is to remove stepchildren, because additional shoots take away the strength for the development of the plant, the fruits become smaller. Before the shoots grow more than 4-6 cm, they must be removed. The procedure is done carefully to prevent damage to the fragile cucumber stalks.

Increases productivity by increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse. To do this, you need to place a barrel filled with mullein in the greenhouse. Improves the growth of cucumbers by mulching the soil with manure, which increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse. The mulching layer should be about 3-5 cm.

Soil care and top dressing rules

Planting needs to be mulched regularly. They use humus, sawdust, straw, peat, etc. The materials help to maintain stable soil moisture for a long time and nourish the soil with minerals. Watering when using mulch can be reduced.

The soil needs to be loosened frequently after rainy weather or irrigation. Work is necessary in order not to form a dense layer that does not allow oxygen to pass through.

It is recommended to regularly fertilize the soil to increase the yield of cucumbers. In the summer season, soil fertilization is performed several times. The first fertilizer is applied 15 days after planting the shoots in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The next feeding is done at the beginning of flowering. Subsequent soil fertilization is carried out during the fruiting period of the garden culture, the final procedure is to prolong it.

For feeding cucumbers, you can add water to bird droppings in granules. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Cucumbers need to get enough nitrogenous substances for stable growth. Top dressing is recommended to be performed using mineral compositions, organic products, or alternating different types of fertilizers. To prepare a herbal talker for treating bushes, grass or compost (1 kg) and water (20 liters) are needed. The compositions are mixed and infused for 2-3 days. The infusion is watered on the beds at the rate of 10 liters per 1 m² of land.

For top dressing, you can also add water to bird droppings in granules in a ratio of 10: 1. It is required to insist the remedy within 7 days. Then 1 liter of infusion is diluted with water (10 liters). The beds are watered carefully, the product should not fall on the leaves.

Top dressing with milk has a good effect on cucumbers. Plants are watered once every 2 weeks with a composition of milk (1 l) and water (10 l). Regular application of such a remedy will increase the growth of the vegetable crop.

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