Why did SNT change all the lights to LED

  • Dec 11, 2020
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This year at the dacha all street lights were replaced with LED ones. I was surprised: why change something that already works well at my own expense. It turned out there is a reason, and it is quite unexpected.

Until this year, the streets of SNT were illuminated by lanterns with DRL-125 lamps.

If anyone does not know, DRL is an Arc Mercury Fluorescent Lamp. Now every SNT, if it uses such lamps, must regularly pay for the disposal of hazardous waste, even if not a single bulb has burned out. It turned out that it was cheaper to replace all the lights than to pay the tax.

The lanterns were set up by some completely unnamed.

According to the documents, they are called "Console LED lamp PRO-80W (220V, 80W, 6000K)", they cost 1915 rubles apiece.

They shine very brightly, much brighter than the old lanterns. They consume 40% less electricity.

Now let's hope that they will live long.

© 2020, Alexey Nadezhin
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