Bath made of logs: for the construction of guide + tips

  • Dec 24, 2019

Round logs are ready to be erected - processed to a uniform thickness, kilned and equipped with slots for mounting. Construction baths of this material can be performed independently even a layperson.

Preparatory stage

Strong, eco-friendly, well retain heat cylindered logs are perfect for the bath house. But to begin its construction is necessary not to purchase the material for the walls, and on the creation of the project and the creation of the foundation.

For the project documentation can be accessed in a dedicated office or download the standard version of the Internet, together with the drawing.

The foundation should choose a belt because heavy logs, and structure need a solid foundation, set below the ground frost level. Initially, the selected portion of the layout do, then there digging trenches. Spend formwork installation and poured concrete.

When the concrete mix will seize, hold require waterproofing. To do this, you need to lubricate the basis of bitumen and paste layer of roofing material. When the adhesive has dried, repeat manipulation. As a result, the lower crown will be stacked on the felt pad bilayer.

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The construction of the lower crown and walls

Importation of material after erecting the accountant crown and wall structure, connecting beam via the grooves. For beginners it is recommended to buy rounding in a specialized organization where the number the elements and provide installation scheme according to the draft.

Further stages of the construction of a bath - step by step instructions:

1. Logs for the accountant crown a little more than others in width. They are laid on the foundation horizontally on a level. The gap between the substrate and the bottom is filled with construction foam logs. The upper part of the crown is covered hemp or jute for insulation. The same material is placed between each row of timber.

2. It is the second crown and secured with wooden pins, metal pins or large nails. The last two rows of rounding first fit without binding. It is necessary for the proper shrinkage.

3. All slots caulk hemp, jute or other suitable material.

Further work lay about six months, which would structure could sit. The top of buildings to avoid being flooded, overlapping planks and roofing material. After shrinkage is necessary to remove two loose a number of logs, and embed them in the ceiling beams. Then set window and door constructions and re prokonopachivayut slit.

Thereafter underway roofing works: installation of rafters, ridge batten. Air roofs are rarely complex, often owners prefer to design with one or two slopes. As a coating metal roofing or economical select ondulin. It is placed on heavy crate.

bath Building from rounding save the family budget. This material is cheaper brick or block, and for the erection is not necessary to hire professionals.

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