Planting strawberries in autumn - when and how to properly plant seedlings in the beds

  • Dec 13, 2020

Strawberries are delicious, juicy berries. Its harvest depends on planting in the garden - in spring or autumn. Spring planting will not give berries in summer, but autumn planting will allow you to get fresh harvest from young bushes next year.

Planting strawberries in autumn next year will allow you to get a fresh harvest from young bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Planting strawberries in autumn next year will allow you to get a fresh harvest from young bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Variety selection and transplanting time

Strawberry bushes are recommended to be regularly renewed, every 3-4 years. Old plantings should not be harvested immediately, because the young ones will only yield the next season. It is better to replace it in parts, so as not to be left completely without berries.

The best period for transplanting is considered autumn (late August-early September), later planting entails freezing of the bushes and loss of yield. Over time, strawberry bushes are recommended to be transplanted to another garden bed, preferably in place of parsley, dill, onions, garlic, radishes, beets, carrots. But do not plant on ridges where eggplants, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage have just grown, in order to avoid contamination of strawberries.

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The choice of the variety depends on the size of the berries, it is preferable to choose with larger ones. The berry can be ordinary (1 harvest per season) and remontant (2 or more harvests).

The choice of the variety depends on the size of the berries, it is preferable to choose with larger ones. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


We select a new ridge and plant strawberries. The soil in the new place must be saturated with a large amount of nutrients so that they will be enough until the next transplant. If necessary, additional fertilizers should be added, such as compost, urea, humus, potassium salts.

As for the soil itself, strawberries prefers sandy loam or loamy soil (loose, light, air and moisture permeable), but categorically not tolerates clay and sand, because sand and clay are not able to pass a sufficient amount of moisture and oxygen necessary for full development and growth plants.

At the same time, the soil should have a neutral level of acidity, for which, if necessary, it should be acidified or liming before planting.

The distance between the holes must be at least 30 cm; the hole should be dug so that the roots fit inside the hole, and not be above the ground.

Before planting young bushes, it is necessary to water the soil; watering - directly into the holes. The depth of the holes should be optimal, so as not to bury the outlet from which young shoots will go, but also to prevent freezing in winter.

The dusting of the roots is done carefully so as not to damage the roots; after completing the planting, you need to press the soil around the bush. The last step is mulching; straw or black covering material is suitable for this.

At the same time, 2 seedlings can be placed in 1 hole - it is convenient if 1 plant does not give roots or freezes in winter. If both seedlings take root, then a double harvest will ripen.

Strawberries are capricious, they like to spend most of their time in the sun, so it's better to choose lighted places for growing them. The shade negatively affects fruiting and promotes the manifestation of fungal diseases.

Before planting young bushes, it is necessary to water the soil; watering - directly into the holes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Spring or Autumn?

Each option has positive and negative points.

Spring is a period when there are a lot of worries and troubles, there is absolutely no time for transplanting bushes, so autumn remains, it remains only to decide whether to rejuvenate the existing varieties or purchase new ones. But spring planting is good because the young strawberry bush will take root well, will give additional roots, which will allow it to overwinter. Only the harvest will be - next season. When planting in autumn, on the contrary, young bushes may not have time to take root and get stronger, in this regard, the percentage of freezing increases. But those who survived the winter will give their first harvest in the summer. In any case, each gardener chooses the time of planting strawberries himself, which is more suitable for him.

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