How to get rid of weeds on the site forever

  • Dec 13, 2020
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With the onset of spring, a large number of weeds appear on garden plots, which pose a threat to fruit trees and vegetable crops. To eliminate unwanted vegetation permanently, you can use proven weed control methods, including mechanical and traditional methods, treatment with chemical herbicides.

Weeds on the site. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Weeds on the site. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Weed control with herbicides

To get rid of weeds forever, you should resort to a chemical treatment method. The agent for spraying the site is selected taking into account the characteristics of the weed. There are 2 types of herbicides you can find in gardening stores:

  • With contact effect - they are able to exterminate only part of the weed in the treated area.
  • With a systemic effect - when the poison enters the plant, it penetrates to the underground and aboveground parts of the weed, provoking the death of the parasitic plants.
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Weed grass in the beds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

In addition, herbicides are continuous and selective. The first ones affect any types of green spaces, so they are suitable for those cases when a summer resident needs to get rid of weeds forever before planting useful crops. Effective drugs include:

  • "Antiburian".
  • "Tornado".
These chemicals can rid the area of ​​ragweed or hogweed.

Selective herbicides are suitable for controlling unwanted vegetation without harming beneficial plants. Among them:

  • Roundup.
  • "Hurricane".
  • "Lapis lazuli".

When choosing a chemical, you should consider the type of weeds that are destroyed, as well as the condition of the area. To process the soil, dilute the product according to the instructions.

Chemical treatment allows you to save the site from insects, pathogenic fungi and weeds. However, this method also has negative aspects. Since many drugs suppress the development of only the underground parts of the weeds, they do not cause seed death. Therefore, 2.5 months after their use, new unwanted vegetation will appear on the territory. To overcome it forever, you will need to resort to additional treatments and weeding. It is not recommended to use storage herbicides. They are dangerous to pets, birds and people.

Mechanical struggle

By using mechanical methods such as pulling, digging, cutting or digging up unwanted vegetation, you get rid of weeds forever. However, all of these methods require a lot of time and effort and do not guarantee 100% of the result. Not all weeds are easily removed from the soil. Some examples require the use of special equipment.

Weeding beds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

If you simply cut the unwanted grass, over time it will begin to germinate again, since the root system will remain in the ground and continue to develop with renewed vigor. To destroy most of the roots, you should regularly mow the weeds on the site. In this case, they will begin to dry out, and the weeds will cease to grow abundantly. To consolidate the results, you need to periodically weed the area.

Do you know how to quickly get rid of weeds in your garden?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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