14 rules you must follow when growing seedlings at home

  • Dec 13, 2020
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The rules for growing seedlings include the choice of seeds, soil composition, fertilizers, and the timing of the procedure. After planting, it is required to maintain the air temperature, the required illumination, regularly water the sprouts, harden the seedlings, perform a pick, etc.

The rules for growing seedlings include the choice of seeds, soil composition, fertilizers, and the timing of the procedure. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
The rules for growing seedlings include the choice of seeds, soil composition, fertilizers, and the timing of the procedure. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Recommendations for breeding seedlings

Seed material is purchased from specialized departments to prevent the risk of buying low-quality seeds. For prophylaxis, it is required to soak the seeds in a concentrated composition of potassium permanganate, then rinse in clean water.

Seeds are sorted, soaked and hardened before planting in order to prevent diseases and increase germination. The processing technique is selected depending on the type of seed. It is not required to soak pelleted seeds in water.

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In accordance with the type of plant, the composition of the soil is selected for germinating seedlings. Standard land from garden beds is not used. It is optimal to purchase special substrates for seedlings or prepare soil mixture for seedlings yourself.

To prepare the soil, you will need the following components:

  • turf;
  • peat with a neutral acidity level;
  • river sand;
  • wood ash or dolomite flour;
  • needles;
  • sphagnum, etc.

The finished soil mixture is sieved, disinfected by calcining or by chemical means.

Before planting plants, you need to disinfect garden tools:

  • pots, plastic cups, boxes;
  • mulching tools, etc.

It is important to take into account the timing of planting seed material for different horticultural crops, so that the sprouts do not stretch out and are ready for the time of planting in open soil or a greenhouse. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of weather conditions in the region (periods of warming, snow melting). When sowing seeds early, you will need to highlight the seedlings using a special lamp. Excessively elongated plants take root less well in open soil.

Special pots are selected for different crops. Dishes can be made of peat, rice flour; for seedlings with a developed root system, plastic pots and wooden boxes are selected. Peat containers are suitable for small plants.

It is important to take into account the timing of planting seed material for different horticultural crops, so that the sprouts do not stretch out and are ready for the time of planting in open soil or a greenhouse. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Planting and care rules

When sowing seeds, the depth of the seed is taken into account, the density of placement. Small seeds are spread on the surface of the soil mixture and sprayed with water using a spray bottle. When sowing, small seeds can be mixed with sand.

Medium-sized seed is placed in shallow furrows and covered with soil. Large seeds are planted deeper into the ground. The agrotechnical density of seeds is observed.

The temperature regime is maintained when breeding seedlings to maintain stable plant growth, the development of crop resistance to adverse weather conditions and diseases. When growing seedlings, temperature fluctuations are not recommended, incl. excessively low rate, drafts.

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants are grown at + 22... + 25 ° С during the day, at night - + 18 ° С. Cabbage seedlings are cold-resistant.

For seedlings, it is required to maintain a long daylight hours. It is recommended to illuminate seedlings for their stable growth using phytolamps. When planting crops late, the boxes can be placed on a lighted windowsill.

For the stable growth of seedlings, regular watering is required. It is not recommended to overdry the seedlings; the soil must be moistened for seed germination. At the same time, excessive watering for thin sprouts is also undesirable. Moistening is performed when the top layer of the earth dries out. Before the first shoots appear, the soil is sprayed with a sprayer. Then the soil is covered with an insulating film to maintain the optimal temperature regime.

When 2-3 leaves germinate, the need for watering increases. It is necessary to make fertilizers suitable for the plants.

If necessary, picking of seedlings is carried out. Before planting in open soil, it is recommended to harden the sprouts.

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