How and how to treat a pear if the leaves on the tree have turned black

  • Dec 13, 2020
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The pear is often attacked by diseases and attacked by insect pests. Gardeners without experience, seeing dried leaves, either simply remove them without attaching much importance, or begin to spray them with chemicals, causing even more damage to the tree.

Pear. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pear. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Plant diseases

However, there is no need to rush to any of the extremes. It is necessary to find out what the tree is sick with. Next, a table will be presented with the name of the disease and symptoms.

Disease SymptomsBacteriosis The petals and flowers wither, the bark of the tree turns gray-brown, wedge-shaped abrasions form on the branches, and the color of the leaves changes.

The disease is transmitted by birds, parasites, can arise from an excess of nitrogen-containing fertilizers

Scab This fungus destroys leaves, young shoots, flowers and even fruits. It spreads quickly. Mold and black spots appear on the foliage and fruits. You can see how the leaves are covered with a black-brown crust.

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The fungus appears due to high humidity and low temperatures at night.

Aspergilus Black spots attack foliage and young shoots. The tree stops growing, the whole plant is covered with a black, soot-like hymen.

It occurs due to poor air exchange, not pruning pear branches.


Of the insects that attack and destroy the pear, the following species manifest themselves most of all:

  • pear mite. The foliage begins to blacken and fall off. Black-brown bulges appear under the bark of the tree. The tick reproduces in dry weather quickly enough to destroy the tree in a year;
  • spotted sucker. The flowers and foliage of the pear are falling. The leaves are covered with sticky secretions of the parasite. The insect feeds on young shoots and leaves;
  • aphid. The attacked tree does not bear fruit, and the already formed ones fall off without ripening. The parasites release a toxin that negatively affects the overall health of the trees.
Aphid. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
To avoid the listed negative consequences of an attack of diseases or pests, it is necessary to control pests in the garden.

How to fight and what preventive measures to take

To cure a plant from diseases, it is necessary to spray the pear with the following preparations:

  • phytolavine;
  • ampicillin;
  • tetracycline.

These antibiotics will help cure the tree from bacteriosis and fungus. For spraying, make a solution of 3 tablets of the drug, diluted in 9 liters of water. Let it brew for a day. Sprayed three times per season. Before flowering, before fruit appears and before harvest.

Spraying trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The following drugs are used for pest control: "Aktara", "Uppercut", "Aktellik".

To avoid diseases and pest attacks, it is necessary to cut and remove shoots attacked by diseases and old branches in the fall, mulch the soil under the tree, remove weeds near the pear, feed the plant in time so that it can resist ailment.

Have you planted a pear in your garden?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Why the pear does not bear fruit, read also in the following article:10 reasons why a pear does not bloom or bear fruit if it is already 5 years old, and what to do about it