As of grafted roses in autumn

  • Dec 24, 2019
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The most favorable period for propagation rose considered fall. Having understood how the fall of grafted roses, to carry out this simple procedure can even a novice gardener.

Growing roses. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing roses. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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As of grafted rose

Immediately after cutting the rose bush, you can proceed to the cuttings. This period is usually at the end of October - beginning of November. The standard way involves straight cut top and a bevel cut at the bottom. So it's not difficult to determine what part of the plant to deepen into the sawdust. Escape is better to choose a healthy and ripe, which have 2-4 buds. The cut is performed with a sharp knife, treated in alcoholic solution and washed in boiling water. To the upper edge of the upper back kidney 2-3 cm and immediately below the lower make kidney. The lower section is recommended to dip a growth stimulant, a rich growth substances and carbon (e.g., "entrenched").

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Planting roses. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Planting roses. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Thus prepared cuttings seated in previously prepared container filled with wet sawdust. After landing the plant thoroughly sprayed. The container is placed in a transparent bag, filled with air and placed in a warm, well-lighted place. Suitable, for example, warm window facing west.

Within a week, container cuttings is better not to touch. After this period, plants should ensure access of air. The stack is a little reveal. After 2-3 weeks on the handle already appears kaplyus - it is the germ of the future of the root system. You can check this by pulling a stalk out of the box. This means that the plants are ready to dive into individual cups.

Suitable conventional plastic cups of 200 ml volume. Less is not worth taking, otherwise the root system will have nowhere to grow. If you take a larger container, the plant may die due to heavy watering.

At the bottom of each cup should be made for the drainage of water. The hole should be small, it can be done easily with scissors. Prepared container filled with soil and planted acquired stalk. After planting the plant watered with warm water. For convenience, each cup can make an inscription indicating the varieties of roses.

Care of cuttings

Spar cuttings require thorough daily care. It involves spraying the plants and removing dead cuttings. For better use of irrigation water at room temperature with the addition of growth hormone - Indulina. This substance is contained in the willow branches, and cook it yourself you can. For this branch of willow tree is cut into small pieces 3 cm, filled into 3 liter jar and pour the boiling water. Bank covered with a lid, wrap up and leave to infuse for a day.

The resulting infusion is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and used for watering cuttings roses, and other plants.

The main advantage is the ease of propagation by cuttings produce planting material. It can be accessed from any bush or even a purchased bouquet. The obtained cold winter roses tolerate such a manner, and when frost build-up can be restored from the sleeping kidneys.

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Read more:Rose cuttings - an easy way of vegetative propagation