7 exotic ways to make fire without matches using improvised means

  • Dec 13, 2020
7 exotic ways to make fire without matches using improvised means.
7 exotic ways to make fire without matches using improvised means.

Few people want to be in a forest without fire, especially at night. However, everything happens in life and a fire may be very necessary, but there is simply nothing to make it with. In any case, when it comes to traditional matches or a lighter. In fact, there are a huge number of ways to get fire using the available means. Let's talk about the most effective and common ones.

1. Firearms

For emergencies. | Photo: short-film.me.
For emergencies. | Photo: short-film.me.

Advice that is relevant only for hunters who have firearms in nature. This method should be used only in emergency situations. The point is to fire a blank shot. For this, a fraction is first extracted from the cartridge. The cartridge is "puffed up" with tinder made of leaves, dry moss and tree bark. After that, a shot is fired at the place where you need to make fire. All that remains is to inflate.

2. Wool and battery

Three batteries for wool. | Photo: shtabnoy.com.ua.
Three batteries for wool. | Photo: shtabnoy.com.ua.

Woolen garments are the best things for camping. Including because if there is a battery at hand and there are no matches, then it is possible to get fire from wool. You will have to rub the battery with the contact on the wool for a long time, but after a while the material will begin to smolder, and then completely burn. A 9W battery is best suited for this.

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3. Chocolate bar and can of Cola

Difficult, but possible. | Photo: edcblog.ru.
Difficult, but possible. | Photo: edcblog.ru.

If you have a bar of chocolate and a tin can, they can also be used to make fire. To do this, turn the jar upside down, take out a piece of chocolate and begin to diligently rub the concave part with it. This will turn the tin into a kind of mirror that can be used to start a fire. And of course, the sun must be in the sky.

4. Cotton wool

A very simple way. | Photo: youtube.com.
A very simple way. | Photo: youtube.com.

Oxygen is a combustion catalyst. You can also get fire with cotton wool. To do this, take a small piece of material and start rolling it over a wooden surface. After a while, the cotton wool will begin to smolder, and then, due to the accumulation of oxygen in the pores, it will light up. It is noteworthy that this method is very often used by prisoners in prisons.

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5. Lantern

The flashlight will have to be broken. | Photo: youtube.com.
The flashlight will have to be broken. | Photo: youtube.com.

You can get fire with a flashlight, though you have to break it. The point is to release and expose the arc of the bulb. After that we bring it to the dry tinder and press the "turn on" button. The electrical charge will do all the work.

6. Condom

Any transparent bag will do. | Photo: ucrazy.ru.
Any transparent bag will do. | Photo: ucrazy.ru.

A preservative or an ordinary, more or less transparent bag can be used to start a fire. To do this, you need to fill a silicone product with water and "catch" the sun in the sky. We collect the tinder and use the filled condom as a lens. The main thing is not to overdo it with tightening!

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7. Lenses

You can make a lens out of many things. ¦Photo: econet.by.
You can make a lens out of many things. ¦Photo: econet.by.

As already became clear, you can get fire with any other lenses, including homemade ones. Ordinary glasses can help in making a fire. In winter, fire can be obtained by making a lens from ice, if its surface is properly cleaned.

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