A couple from Britain are ready to give their mansion and a brand new sports car for $ 30, but there are conditions

  • Dec 13, 2020
House and car for $ 30.
House and car for $ 30.

Last year, an unprecedented lottery was held in the UK, which was initiated by a couple from Hampshire. The main prize was announced to be the luxurious Avon Place mansion on the river bank and a brand new convertible Aston Martin DB11 V8. To become the owner of such a tempting prize, one had only to buy a lottery ticket for 25 pounds (30 dollars) and wait for a generous gift from fate. And so did many adventurers who consider themselves minions of fate. About how this idea ended for the organizers and participants of the drawing, and whether the winner received the main prize, you will learn from our post.

Mark and Sharon Beresfords organized a lottery, declaring their villa Avon Place the main prize (Ringwood, UK). | Photo: theguardian.com.
Mark and Sharon Beresfords organized a lottery, declaring their villa Avon Place the main prize (Ringwood, UK). | Photo: theguardian.com.

Few believe that for only $ 30. you can become the owner of luxury real estate and a cool sports car to boot. But such an opportunity did appear for participants in a lottery run by an inventive British couple from the small town of Ringwood last year. As it became known to the editors of Novate. Ru, Hampshire spouse Mark & ​​Sharon Beresford, who own the designer mansion, decided to run their own lottery, announcing it as the grand prize. They decided to take such an extraordinary step after waiting for buyers for 2 years, but they never showed up. To make the grand prize even more attractive, to the house, the estimated value of which is 3.65 million. dollars, a brand new sports car Aston Martin DB11 V8 (175 thous. dollars).

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For the project of the mansion, the German construction company Huf Haus received the "Prize for the Most Unusual Architecture" (Ringwood, UK). | Photo: theworldnews.net.
For the project of the mansion, the German construction company Huf Haus received the "Prize for the Most Unusual Architecture" (Ringwood, UK). | Photo: theworldnews.net.

This beautiful villa was built by the renowned construction and design firm Huf Haus, which, incidentally, won the Most Unusual Architecture Prize for the project. And not surprising, because the luxurious house called Avon Place, located on the banks of the Avon (Avon) has an unusual glass and steel construction with a perfectly planned interior space.

The open plan of the house makes it more spacious and bright (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: theworldnews.net.
The open plan of the house makes it more spacious and bright (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: theworldnews.net.

The open plan design has created a modern interior throughout the space, which includes 6 bedrooms, multiple bathrooms, living room, kitchen-dining room and its own cinema. In addition to the impressive villa, the plot has a spacious garage and a beautifully designed relaxation area with access to the river bank with a barbecue area.

The plot has a beautiful waterside recreation area and a barbecue area (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: thetelegraphandargus.co.uk.
The plot has a beautiful waterside recreation area and a barbecue area (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: thetelegraphandargus.co.uk.

For many years this mansion has pleased the Beresford family, but the time has come when the children have grown up, and the spouses themselves simply do not need such huge apartments. So they decided to sell the mansion: “We know that soon, like most people in our age group, we will be all alone in this huge house. Two of our children are going to move to London ", - says owner Mark Beresford.

Glass walls fill every room with sunlight (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: theworldnews.net.
Glass walls fill every room with sunlight (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: theworldnews.net.

After the house was up for sale, none of the buyers approached the spouses. But the inventive couple came up with a very original trick - they got permission to carry out their own lottery, the main prize of which was an extraordinary mansion with a cool Aston Martin convertible in addition. After a complex preparatory work and a large-scale advertising campaign, 250 thousand copies were released. lottery tickets for 25 pounds (about 2 thousand. rubles!) each.

Beautiful view from one of the bedrooms of Avon Place, Ringwood. | Photo: buzzon.live.
Beautiful view from one of the bedrooms of Avon Place, Ringwood. | Photo: buzzon.live.

Naturally, there were also participants from those who consider themselves lucky and can, with a minimal investment, become the owner of such a tempting and luxurious prize in all respects. Of course, the luck had to be 250 thousand. to one, but if you buy several tickets, then the chances increase. To cover the cost of real estate, a car, as well as all costs of running a lottery, including an advertising campaign, It was enough for Mark and Sharon to sell just over half of the tickets, and then the winner would receive all these benefits practically for nothing. By the way, all items of expenses for organizing the event were taken into account and spelled out in the conditions of the lottery, which, as a rule, no one ever reads. But this is until the results of the draw are announced.

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One of the bathrooms of the mansion, which was the main prize in the lottery (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: buzzon.live.
One of the bathrooms of the mansion, which was the main prize in the lottery (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: buzzon.live.

But, as everyone knows, there is no free cheese. This lottery was no exception, which ended in a huge scandal. Despite the large investment in advertising and the long sales period (from March 2018 to December 31 of the same year), only 30 thousand units were sold. lottery tickets. This means that the winner received neither a luxurious house on the river bank nor a cool sports convertible. Excluding all items of expenditure, and this is advertising, PR, ticket printing, legal services and duties, as much as 780 thousand were spent, while the winner got only about 134 thousand. dollars!

No less impressive was the additional prize - the prestigious Aston Martin DB11 (Mark Beresford in the Aston Martin showroom). | Photo: theworldnews.net.
No less impressive was the additional prize - the prestigious Aston Martin DB11 (Mark Beresford in the Aston Martin showroom). | Photo: theworldnews.net.

As usual, after this kind of "entertainment" hype arose. On this occasion, Mark Beresford says: “Of course it's disappointing that I didn't hand over the house to the winner, but we did our best. We stipulated the conditions for receiving the prize, which had to be accepted by all participants before purchasing tickets. " Disgruntled participants still accuse the organizers that the day before the end of the drawing, all it also sounded that it was possible to win the main prize - a mansion and a car, although this was definitely not possible happen.

The organizers of the unusual lottery Mark and Sharon Beresfords have put their house up for sale again and are planning a move (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: morediva.com.
The organizers of the unusual lottery Mark and Sharon Beresfords have put their house up for sale again and are planning a move (Avon Place, Ringwood). | Photo: morediva.com.

The perpetrators of this scandal themselves are again trying to sell the house, but in a more traditional way, because they still managed to get a plot of land for building a house in East Sussex in order to be closer to their children.

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This cautionary story once again proves that you should not count on free hand - it is better to look at things realistically. Moreover, there are many places in the world with abandoned old houses for sale at a fair price. Of course, it will take a lot of work to put them in order, but it's definitely worth it.
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