What not to do when a dog attacks, and how to prevent it

  • Dec 14, 2020
 What not to do when a dog attacks, and how to prevent it
What not to do when a dog attacks, and how to prevent it

"A dog is biting only from a dog's life." Unfortunately, not a single person is safe from a dog attack on the street, especially when it comes to yard dogs. A dog, like any other animal, never attacks a person for no reason. Moreover, people themselves are to blame for almost half of the attacks (without even knowing it). Considering all this, it is very important to know and remember the rules from professional dog handlers about what should not be done when an animal attacks.

1. Flight is doom

It's not worth running away. | Photo: zab.ru.
It's not worth running away. | Photo: zab.ru.

Dogs are relatives of wolves, and therefore most of the behavior patterns of this wild beast work in the case of a domesticated species. First of all, it is worth remembering that dogs, like most predators, have a pursuit instinct. The dog will always follow and try to catch up with the "prey" escaping from it.

It should also be remembered that dogs in a pack hunt in the same way as wolves - they surround, distract and attack mainly from the back. Therefore, you can turn your back and run away from the dog only when it is still far away, and there is a shelter next to you.

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2. Don't pick anything up from the ground

Stray dogs have an excellent memory. | Photo: rivne.online.

Dogs are very intelligent animals with a good memory. Therefore, when meeting with mongrels, it is strongly discouraged to bend over to the ground and lift something. Many stray animals regard this simple human action as an act of aggression. This is because at least once they threw something taken from the ground at every mongrel.

3. Do not shout, but also do not be silent

Dogs only recognize strength and power. | Photo: report.az.

Dogs respond to a person's tone. Therefore, in the event of an animal attack, you cannot do two things - scream in hysterics and be silent in principle. The best thing to do is call for help or talk to your dog in a firm, stern, commanding voice. The force of the shout should be maximized towards its end.

4. Don't let yourself be surrounded

You can't let yourself be surrounded. | Photo: ass-severodvinska.mirtesen.ru.

Perhaps the most important thing to take care of when attacking multiple animals is not to be surrounded by them. Dogs are gregarious animals, and therefore will try to surround their prey and attack it alternately from different sides, primarily from the back. In this case, as soon as the "prey" gives weakness, the dogs will attack all at once.

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5. "To keep a person in yourself"

This is taught. ¦ Photo: superbarticles.org.

If it becomes clear that things are going very badly and the conflict with animals cannot be avoided, you should be mentally prepared to fight for your life. Concentrate on what is happening, do not think about what will happen next. Don't be afraid to hurt your dogs. If you need to kill, kill. A desperate, hungry animal does not know the concept of humanity. It will attack and try to kill you and your loved ones.

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If you have a bag, backpack, briefcase or something similar at hand, it is recommended to take them in your hand and substitute them under the dog's bite. Instinctively, the dog will try to grab you by anything protruding with its mouth. Substitute your bag. If it is not there, substitute your arm bent at the elbow. At the same time, it is recommended to wrap a jacket, scarf, T-shirt, etc. on your hand even before the fight with the animal.

When the dog grabs a bag or hand with its mouth, you need to beat it, beat it without mercy on the head, nose, bridge of the nose. Weak points of the animal are also the abdomen, the middle of the back and the base of the skull. If your dog grabs the bag, never let go of it. Hold and pull her. Exhaust the animal and keep him busy. In parallel, you need to try to call for help.

Do you want to know even more interesting things? Then you should read about 17 four-legged pranksters who have screwed up.
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