Why is the library stamp placed on page 17 and not elsewhere?

  • Dec 14, 2020
Why is the library stamp placed on page 17 and not elsewhere?
Why is the library stamp placed on page 17 and not elsewhere?

Every year, "living" books are increasingly giving way to digital. However, the day when libraries will disappear on earth is still very far away. Those who at least once took a book for reading probably paid attention to the fact that the library stamp is placed in a strictly defined place, namely, on page 17. It is noteworthy that this action has a very specific explanation.

They are placed in certain places. | Photo: martlib.ru.
They are placed in certain places. | Photo: martlib.ru.

The library stamp is always placed on the 17th page of the book. Regardless of the edition, genre and volume of the work. People who don't go to the library very often most likely don't even pay attention to this subtlety. Those who visit the library more than once a year must have noticed this and asked a logical question: why everything is exactly like this. In fact, there is a logical and simple explanation for choosing a specific page for a stamp.

The choice was made for a reason. | Photo: loveopium.ru.
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In order to better understand "tradition", one should first look at the binding of the book from the side. You can see that any book consists of stitched notebooks. The fact is that each such notebook block consists of 16 pages. Therefore, it is customary to put the library stamp on page 17 (the first page of the second block). This is because (as expected) the loss of the first block for some reason is not critical for the book. Accordingly, the stamp is placed so as not to disappear along with the sheets.

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Each book consists of stitched notebooks. | Photo: pixnio.com.

Sometimes a library stamp is duplicated. This is usually done in large books. In this case, it is placed at the beginning of the third block on page 33. Why is the loss of the first block not considered critical? Yes, all because in the old books, primarily Soviet ones, at the beginning of the publication there was very often an impressive preface. So it makes sense that its loss had almost no effect on the content.

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There is no secret. ¦ Photo: rubic.us.

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