How to get out of a sinking car: 3 tips that can save you

  • Dec 14, 2020
How to get out of a sinking car: 3 tips that can save you.
How to get out of a sinking car: 3 tips that can save you.

All kinds of situations happen in life. Not all of them are pleasant. Cars do not often get into water, especially deep water. However, when this happens, many people get lost and don't know what to do. Moreover, not understanding the essence of the problem, many risk not getting out of the glass-steel trap. Therefore, in order not to drown when the worst happens, you should know some subtleties.

1. Save in 120 seconds

Best odds in the first 2 minutes. | Photo:
Best odds in the first 2 minutes. | Photo:

The highest chance of escape from a sinking car is the first 120 seconds. Try to open doors, open windows until the car is completely submerged. Try to get out with all your might. Dispose of the belt immediately. Most often, the car does not sink to the bottom instantly, so there is time and it should be spent wisely. It is definitely not worth waiting for the full immersion of the car right away.

2. Things got bad

Maybe like this. | Photo:

Nobody canceled the pressure difference. If the car is in the water and the door cannot be simply opened, then there is the last chance to escape. This is to open the door after equalizing the pressure in the cabin and the environment. This will happen only when the inner space is completely filled with water. After this, there will be almost no time left for salvation. When the water fills the interior, you need to remember to breathe well and gain a supply of air.

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It is imperative to get rid of the seat belt before the passenger compartment is filled with water. If the door does not open, then you should try to open the glass. In the most extreme case, the glass must be broken. You can forget about the windshield immediately. It is covered with a special film and most people simply cannot break (or knock it out entirely) without special means. It is best to break the side glass by hitting the corners.

Advice: it is good to have an emergency car hammer in the glove compartment of the car - a small accessory for breaking glass and cutting the seat belt with a small knife.

3. Plan and no panic

There must be a plan. ¦Photo:

The last but not the least thing to keep in mind is the lack of panic. The main thing is to try to control yourself. Hysteria and panic in such situations not only do not help, but also harm. If there are other people in the cabin of the sinking car, you need to try to calm them down and quickly tell them a plan of future actions. Psychologically, having a clear plan of action in an emergency calms people down well and makes them mobilize for survival.

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