Causes of poor growth and cherry death epidemic moniliosis, cherry leaf spot

  • Dec 24, 2019
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To bring an abundant harvest of cherries, for them it is necessary to properly care from the very beginning of the season. The death of trees is often the case, not because of the frost, but because of a variety of diseases. Gardener important time to recognize them and take appropriate action.

Cherry blossoms. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Cherry blossoms. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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The most frequent causes of death of cherries

Diseases such as cherry leaf spot and moniliosis can hit like a healthy tree, and be brought to the infected seedlings bought from unscrupulous breeders. These fungal diseases can greatly affect the life span of trees, reducing it to 2-3 times. However, if the time to notice the symptoms and start the treatment plant from the disease can be eliminated.

Cherries on a branch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Cherries on a branch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
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Moniliosis signs can be seen already in the first days of May, when the first flowers and greens become dark-brown color, though they singed by fire. Otherwise, the disease known as monilial burn. When it ends of young branches begin to wilt. Even if the fruits have time to tie, they will be part of the unripe and rotten.

Causes of poor growth and death of cherries can be to cherry leaf spot development. Spots appear on the leaves, in August, the tree is no longer green, because it is completely flies. The fruits ripen at the same time fine and remain on the branches withered. There may be up to next season.

Fungal diseases inhibit growth because of them the tree die large branches. From the trunk begins to actively stand gum, bark peels off in many places. Fruiting stops, the plant dies within a short time.

To diagnose a cherry leaf spot and moniliosis need to closely monitor the state of the tree with the onset of thaw or on cool days in May and June. It increases the likelihood of fungal attack during the spring rains.

First felt ill cherry from which the fungus is spreading rapidly to other trees. Therefore, the state of this type of cherry is necessary to pay special attention.

How to combat fungal diseases of cherries

The danger of a fungal nature of the disease lies in the fact that they spread rapidly. Improper care of the short period of time can be lost a lot of trees, even being on the neighboring property.

Freshly cherries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Freshly cherries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

To limit the spread of infection, it should be how the affected leaves, disrupt mummified and spoiled fruit as soon as possible to remove the dried buds. All collected items can not be to throw, they must be burned. So you can destroy most of the fungus. With the remainder to be fought by chemical means.

Opponents of the use of synthetic substances should be aware that to get rid of the fungus traditional methods fail. Even if for a short time, the painful symptoms will disappear after a certain period, they will manifest themselves with renewed vigor.

The most common substances that help in the fight against cherry leaf spot and moniliosis are fungicides. It may be used Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride ( "Home"), "Chorus" and t. D. Despite the effectiveness of these drugs, the single treatment will not save the tree from disease. Spraying is carried out by changing means repeatedly, every time.

For example, the first processing using Bordeaux mixture, performed after trees faded. Then every 2 weeks till the end of June sprayed using other fungicides. In July and early August, no procedure is not carried out.

The last event of the processing of the fungus should be done in late August or September. It is necessary to fill in dead leaves a strong solution of urea.

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