5 places in the car where you should not use the WD-40, so as not to joke

  • Dec 14, 2020
5 places in the car where you should not use the WD-40, so as not to joke
5 places in the car where you should not use the WD-40, so as not to joke

A compound called WD-40 can be very useful in the household and in the car. However, there are some ways to use vedeshka that you should never use. Otherwise, there is not a small chance to mischief so much that the car will simply stop functioning normally..

1. Remove bitumen

Better to find another way. | Photo: primamedia.ru.
Better to find another way. | Photo: primamedia.ru.

It should be noted right away that WD-40 grease really removes bitumen from various surfaces, including the car body, quite well. However, you should not use it to solve this issue. Why? If only because after such an application, you will have to immediately solve another problem, namely, to think about how to remove the grease from the paintwork.

This is especially true for cleaning headlights with WD-40. Despite the fact that at first the lubricant can significantly improve the characteristics of the equipment, after a short time it will have a strictly opposite effect.

2. Process door lock

It will only make it worse. | Photo: kajo.sk.
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Some motorists on the Internet also recommend using this grease to protect locks from freezing in the winter. In fact, WD-40 has a strictly opposite effect on the lock. The fact is that this chemical composition is not frost-resistant. As a result, grease poured into the lock can aggravate the situation and even cause its failure.

3. Lubricate the wipers

Bad idea. | Photo: avtoelektrik-info.ru.

You definitely shouldn't apply WD-40 to windshield wipers. Some inexperienced or unscrupulous motorists strongly recommend doing this to lubricate the rubber. The problem is that from the wipers "vedeshka" will inevitably fall on the glass, which means that the composition will inevitably lead to a radical deterioration in visibility.

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4. Apply to glass

Decreases visibility. | Photo: pinterest.ch.

As noted in the previous paragraph, hitting the glass with WD-40 is far from what the driver can afford. What can we say about how to apply lubricant to the glass yourself. Of course, "vedeshka" has simply excellent water-repellent properties and really could be useful on glass, if it did not reduce its transparency due to the content of mineral additives.

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5. "Other amateur activities"

No need to rub the interior. ¦Photo: avtoidei.ru.

You will not find all kinds of advice about the WD-40 on the Internet. Many of them are real techno heresy. Much more important (and worse) is the fact that some "not comrades" are advised to use the composition for processing plastic elements in the car. Considering the composition of the mixture, is it necessary to say that breathing in grease vapors is not the best solution? Therefore, it is worth using WD-40 only with strict adherence to the instructions.

Do you want to know even more interesting things? How about to find out 7 tips on how to drive a car with an “automatic” so that it will serve faithfully for a long time in our time.
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