Why don't the British use a water faucet like people in other countries

  • Dec 14, 2020
Why don't the British use a water faucet like people in other countries
Why don't the British use a water faucet like people in other countries

The hot and cold water mixer is one of the main plumbing achievements of mankind. It is difficult to imagine that in our time someone can still do without such a simple, but at the same time brilliant thing! However, in some places the mixers are not used on purpose. This approach is especially popular in England. Why do the locals voluntarily refuse one of the benefits of civilization?

First, it's beautiful. | Photo: yandex.com.
First, it's beautiful. | Photo: yandex.com.

Those who have visited the UK probably paid attention not only to strange humor, bad weather and double-decker buses. But also on the fact that very often in the bathroom and kitchen the British have two separate taps instead of one tap with a hot and cold water mixer. The most curious thing is that this practice is not at all some whim of the locals, but a well thought out, conscious decision.

Still widespread. | Photo: ofigenno.com.

Interesting fact: The British are very proud of their way of using tap water.

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It is quite simple to use such a plumbing system. The second most important thing in every sink, besides two taps, is a plug on the drain. We have exactly the same in every bath, but the British also have plugs in the sinks. The purpose is obvious - not to let hot and cold water flow away until the person has finished everything that he has planned with water. By the way, this way of using warm water creates some specificity in the usual "sanitary" procedures. For example, the British do not rinse the dishes after washing, but immediately send them to the dryer. Likewise, they do not rinse their hands, but immediately dry them off with a towel.

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Some, however, do this. | Photo: newtechnow.co.uk.

The tradition of no water taps goes back to the 19th century. At that time, there was no centralized heating and water supply system. Each house had its own heating and water supply system. At the same time, only hot water was supplied for the baths, and only cold water for the kitchen. With the development of progress, the need for such a supply of water has disappeared, but the tradition of "mixing" the inhabitants of foggy Albion have kept.

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Or even like this. ¦ Photo: takprosto.cc.

However, today it is not only about tradition, but also about economy. The fact is that when a person collects water for his needs in the sink, he spends much less of it, compared to when the water just flows. This feature is dictated, among other things, by the cost of energy resources in the country. It is safe to say that the UK is the country where the least clean water flows down the drain.

Do you want to know even more interesting things? Then read these 10 bathroom life hacks that are suitable for housewives who are a little fixated on cleanliness in our time.
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