Why in the East in the old days they wore shoes with sharp bent toes

  • Dec 14, 2020
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Why in the East in the old days they wore shoes with sharp bent toes
Why in the East in the old days they wore shoes with sharp bent toes

Surely everyone had to see, at least in the movies, how people from the countries of the East and Asia wear very strange, eccentric pointed shoes. It's time to figure out exactly where such shoes were invented and why they were worn. Obviously, not only for beauty. After all, people, especially in the old days, were inclined to come up with practical things in the household first.

Most likely Buddhists came up with. / Photo: robertharding.com.
Most likely Buddhists came up with. / Photo: robertharding.com.

It is believed that pointed shoes appeared somewhere in the countries of the Buddhist-Lamaist persuasion. At about the same time, eccentric boots were worn in India, Mongolia, Kalmykia and Buryatia. Subsequently, footwear penetrated the Middle East, as well as Egypt. The proliferation of unusual shoes was dictated primarily by considerations of practicality. At that time, the curved toe did not allow excess sand to get into the shoes. In addition, the curved nose did not cling to the carpets, which the eastern nobility loved so much.

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She came to the Middle East from India and the Steppe. / Photo: robertharding.com.

Interesting fact: researcher Wolfgang Brun in his work "The History of the Costume from Antiquity to the Present" states, that pointed boots on a soft backing were invented in India, in the first place Buddhists. Allegedly, these boots almost did not spoil the grass. In addition, bells were hung on them in order to scare away insects and small reptiles from walking, which is very in the spirit of Buddhism.

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They look beautiful. / Photo: pinterest.ru.

However, initially, pointed boots (most likely) were worn by representatives of nomadic peoples, whose life is inextricably linked with the use of horses and, as a result, stirrups. It is quite obvious that shoes with a pointed toe allow you to better grip on the horse, as well as to hit the stirrup faster and easier. Of course, such boots were worn mainly by representatives of the military aristocracy, as well as simply by the rich. The poor people did not need such boots. Since, first of all, it was the shoes of the cavalrymen.

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Fashion was picked up in Europe as well. / Photo: moya-planeta.ru.

It is also noteworthy that in the future, pointed shoes with curved noses will get to the Balkans, and from there they will seep into the rest of Europe. Subsequently, wonderful pointed boots will be worn by European nobles, as well as knights. The fashion for strange shoes and the territory of Russia will take over, as evidenced by some engravings.

Continuing the topic, read about 5 subtleties when choosing shoes, without taking into account which the feet will certainly freeze and not only.