3 important things to do to combat corrosion

  • Dec 14, 2020
3 important things to do to combat corrosion
3 important things to do to combat corrosion

Corrosion can "jump" on the paintwork of a car at any time, and most often it happens exactly when the driver is not even close to expecting anything like this. Therefore, a continuous fight should be carried out against rust. Here are three things that must be done, regardless of the season and car model.


Better to wash more often. | Photo: 62info.ru.
Better to wash more often. | Photo: 62info.ru.

Regular visits to car washes will not be harmful for sure, but the benefits (especially for the car body) are expected to be quite tangible. First of all, because it is regular washing that removes all dirt, dust, chemical reagents from the paintwork, oil and other indecency, which causes significant damage to the protective coating of the body and subsequently becomes the cause of development rust. It is best to wash your car in warm, sunny weather. If we are talking about winter, then this should be done (if possible) during thaws.

Fix me completely

Chips should be removed quickly. | Photo: avtodar.ru.
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Eliminate the shortcomings on the car body as soon as possible. One of those things, with which you definitely shouldn't "flirt" and delay. Dents, paint chips, scratches and any other damage that expose the metal of the body must be repaired as soon as possible after discovery.

Better to reapply paint. | Photo: autocentre.ua.

Some drivers mistakenly believe that repairing defects in winter or in the off-season is not worth it. In fact, this is not the case. The longer you wait, the worse the situation becomes and the more damage is received by the paintwork around the chip, as well as the metal of the body itself.

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Rub to shine

The body should be rubbed. | Photo: voditelauto.ru.

If the body and paintwork are in perfect order, this does not mean at all that they are completely safe. Aggressive environmental influences should be counteracted to the maximum. Just as paint protects metal from the ravages of nature, wax coating protects paint. It is important to understand that the aforementioned composition almost completely leaves the body after several washes, and therefore the wax should be applied from time to time.

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Mandatory. ¦Photo: yandex.com.

All the same car wash employees can help with this procedure. You can also use a liquid glass polish. It greatly facilitates body care, lasts longer than a conventional wax coating and still protects the body from chemicals.

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about
a simple but effective way to remove minor scratches under the car door handles.
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