How to cook smoked bacon home in the kitchen without the liquid smoke and other "chemistry"

  • Dec 24, 2019

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smoked bacon - delicious snack, which, unfortunately, do not cook at home. But you can cook bacon that will taste like smoked, and it does not need any smokehouse or liquid smoke. Instead, the need to take prunes and a few other ingredients.

Smoked bacon looks very appetizing.
Smoked bacon looks very appetizing.

Bacon, cooked in onion skins, in taste is not inferior smoked. This soft and spicy snack you can not only apply to the borsch, but also to put a festive table. The recipe of fat easy, with him cope even novice mistress. For a site we select only tested recipes of simple products, which are obtained accurately.

Sliced ​​bacon cooking in onion skins.
Sliced ​​bacon cooking in onion skins.

In order to prepare the fat, you need to choose a piece with layers of meat, so it will be much tastier. To begin, you need to boil the bacon in onion skins in the same way as before Easter we paint eggs. Then it will get an appetizing color and delicate flavor. 1 kg of fat you need to take 1 liter of water, add 3 to it a handful of onion peel, 6 pcs. prunes (it will give a "smoked" flavor), 200 gr. salt, 2 tablespoons sugar lavrushku.

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Onion peel for cooking bacon.
Onion peel for cooking bacon.

Marinade bring to a boil over heat, then put it into the cut pieces of bacon, cook half hour. Now you need to cool down the pan and place in the refrigerator overnight (at least 12 hours). After - you can get fat, it is almost ready.

The fat in the pan with the onion skins.
The fat in the pan with the onion skins.

Wipe with a paper towel pieces, now they can roll in spices. On this amount of fat you need about 2-3 tablespoons ground black pepper or paprika, or dry adzhika. Mix it with the number of heads of garlic, passed through spadefoot, and spread evenly over the pieces of bacon. Now, wrap them in plastic wrap, to submit to the refrigerator for a few hours and after - serve. Bon Appetit!

Natural appetizing bacon without chemicals and smokehouse.
Natural appetizing bacon without chemicals and smokehouse.

Not sure what a "smoked" bacon can be stored no more than two weeks in the refrigerator. However, it is so tasty, that will almost certainly end before then.

The onion skins can be prepared delicious mackerel without smokehouse and in just 3 minutes. And try this recipe!

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