An ingredient from experienced housewives that made Soviet tea richer

  • Sep 25, 2021
An ingredient from experienced housewives that made Soviet tea richer

Despite the fact that in the Soviet Union there was not such an abundance of tea on store shelves as it is now, and the one that was not of high quality, some housewives managed to brew it in a special way recipe. As a result, a very tasty, rich, aromatic drink was obtained.

Tea was brewed according to this recipe in Soviet public catering / Photo:
Tea was brewed according to this recipe in Soviet public catering / Photo:
Tea was brewed according to this recipe in Soviet public catering / Photo:

According to this recipe, he was brewed in public catering. Unfortunately, not everyone knew the secret, although there is nothing complicated about it. Just along with the tea leaves, quite a bit of sugar and soda was added to the teapot, almost at the tip of the spoon. The most interesting thing is that with this brewing method, the brewing consumption was much less.

The addition of soda reduced the consumption of high-quality brewing in the USSR / Photo: tea-terra
The addition of soda reduced the consumption of high-quality brewing in the USSR / Photo: tea-terra
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Today, such a recipe is also relevant, especially where water is pouring from the tap of not the best quality - hard, saturated with minerals.

Despite the simplicity of the recipe, the tea turns out to be much tastier and more aromatic / Photo:
Despite the simplicity of the recipe, the tea turns out to be much tastier and more aromatic / Photo:

Soda, on the other hand, makes the water softer, and the drink turns out to be much tastier, more aromatic, and the color is brighter and more saturated. The very same recipe for making tea is very simple:

  • the teapot is rinsed with boiling water;
  • fall asleep two tbsp. l. large leaf tea, a little sugar and soda are added;
  • all this is poured with boiling water;
  • the kettle is closed and left for five minutes to brew.

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Tea, which was still brewed by our grandmothers, can be made today / Photo: Instagram ›TerkinFoods
Tea, which was still brewed by our grandmothers, can be made today / Photo: Instagram ›TerkinFoods

The drink is ready. You can enjoy your tea. Continuing the theme of everyday life in the USSR, read why hitting the body with a fist made the Soviet TV work again.
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