Chamber shell: what kind of ammunition and what it is used for

  • Dec 14, 2020
Chamber shell: what kind of ammunition and what it is used for
Chamber shell: what kind of ammunition and what it is used for

Today there are a huge number of types of ammunition for all types of weapons. In artillery and tanks, for example, so-called chamber shells are widely used. The very name of this device suggests that this object is something very specific. It's time to find out what these ammunition is used for in war.

There are many types of ammunition. | Photo:
There are many types of ammunition. | Photo:

A chamber projectile is a very specific type of armor-piercing ammunition, which during the Second World War war was very widely used in such troops, and in our time, almost completely migrated to the field artillery. If an ordinary armor-piercing projectile (not to be confused with a cumulative one) is essentially a metal blank, then a chamber one is much more complicated and somewhat more effective.

Basically it is a blank. | Photo:

At its core, chamber ammunition is very similar to armor-piercing ammunition. So, the front part of the projectile is a completely familiar metal blank. The main difference is that this blank is followed by a special cavity in the chamber shell, which is filled with an explosive. Actually, this cavity is called "chamber", hence the name.

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There is a small amount of explosives under the blank. | Photo:

The idea of ​​ammunition is quite simple. The blank damages the armor, after which the explosives detonate, increasing the damaging effect. During World War II, such shells were in the ammunition of all tanks. However, with the development of armor, their scope narrowed down to firing at fortifications. It is very important not to confuse chambers with high-explosive shells! There is no blank in the high-explosive shell. Immediately after the fuse apparatus, it is followed by a container filled with an explosive.

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The land mine is completely filled with explosives. ¦ Photo:

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