5 Soviet dishes that the older generation still loves, but young people will not understand

  • Dec 14, 2020
5 Soviet dishes that the older generation still loves, but young people will not understand
5 Soviet dishes that the older generation still loves, but young people will not understand

Unfortunately, there was no such abundance of products in the USSR as it is today. In this regard, people have learned to cook delicious meals from the minimum food set. The Soviet people were amazing romantics. They loved to gather with a guitar around the fire, where they sang songs and baked potatoes in the coals - a real delicacy.

1. baked potato

What could be tastier than potatoes on a fire / Photo: youtube.com
What could be tastier than potatoes on a fire / Photo: youtube.com

A unique dish to which many songs have been dedicated. Only immigrants from the Soviet Union can appreciate how pleasant it is to be hungry in nature to break hot potatoes in half, salt and eat them.
This dish is simple. First you need to wait until the big fire dies down and the coals smolder. The washed potatoes are wrapped in foil, each separately, and placed inside the coals. From above it is covered with the same coals.

Lick your fingers / Photo: timurakhmetov.com

After about forty minutes, it will be completely ready. To speed up the cooking process, you should use medium-sized potatoes. In the case of small tubers, there is a risk that they will burn, and with larger ones they will remain raw inside. The finished coal potatoes are scooped out gently with a stick. After the foil has cooled down a little, it is removed. Everything - the prepared delicacy can be eaten.

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Oven-baked potatoes are no less tasty / Photo: galereya-kafe.ru

On a note! Alternatively, bake potatoes in the oven at home. The preparation process is exactly the same as for cooking over a fire. Potatoes, wrapped in foil, are placed in the oven for one hour. Roasting is carried out at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

2. Sweet sausage

Smoked in appearance, but sweet in taste / Photo: mukainuga.ru

The majority of products were in short supply in the Soviet Union. But the people were not upset. Delicious desserts were prepared from a simple set. The sweet sausage recipe used by our mothers and grandmothers is still relevant today. For cooking you will need:

  • vanilla crackers or cookies - 450 grams;
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • butter - 60 grams;
  • nuts (walnuts or any other) - 40-60 grams.
Favorite dessert by Soviet children and adults / Photo: yandex.ua

In the USSR, nuts were crushed in a meat grinder, and today you can speed up the process with a blender. You can manually turn them into small chips using a cutting board and rolling pin. All products are laid out in a large bowl, and butter, previously softened, cocoa is placed there. You can add some condensed milk if the cookies are not very sweet. Nuts are poured there. The content is shuffled. A sausage is formed from the sweet mass, rolled in cocoa powder, wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator for three hours to solidify. After this time, you can eat it. It turns out a very tasty dessert. 3. Sprat sandwiches

The main decoration of the Soviet festive table - sprats / Phot

It is impossible to surprise a modern person with sprats. Things were completely different in the USSR. It was a real delicacy that was bought only on major holidays. It was with sprats that they made sandwiches. There were several recipes. For the simplest and most popular you will need:

  • slices of black bread;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • cucumbers (pickled or pickled);
  • sprats (in oil) - one can.
Sprats with cucumber - tasty and satisfying / Photo: yandex.ua

The bread is pre-fried in sunflower oil. Mayonnaise is mixed with chopped garlic, after which one side of toasted bread is spread with this sauce. Put one fish on top, add a cucumber.

4. Sauerkraut

In the USSR, a jar of sauerkraut was always in the refrigerator / Photo: larecsecretov.ru

A dish that our hostesses often prepare today. Large white cabbage is finely chopped, carrots are added to it (it is enough to grate 2 or 3 pieces), peas, black pepper are added. The vegetables are kneaded with your hands and placed in a regular three-liter jar. Layers of cabbage are shifted with lavrushka (it is possible without it).
Separately, a saline solution is prepared per liter of boiled water, a tablespoon of granulated sugar and salt. The cabbage is poured with this solution, the top of the jar is covered with gauze and placed in a refrigerator or other cool place for three days.

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5. Nuts filled with boiled condensed milk

Soviet children loved nuts with condensed milk / Photo: yandex.ru

Everyone adored this delicacy in childhood. Many still have special baking dishes.
The dough recipe is very simple. You will need:

  • butter or margarine - 250 grams;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 10 grams;
  • flour - 600 grams.

The ingredients mix well, flour is added at the very end. The dough is kneaded and placed in the refrigerator for one hour. The form is preheated and halves of nuts are baked from the finished dough in it, which are temporarily removed to the side.

For the filling cream you need:

  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • butter - 100 grams.

All this is mixed and whipped. The resulting mass is filled with halves of nuts and connected.

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Dishes from the USSR are still relevant today / Photo: nastroenie.tv

The listed Soviet dishes are very tasty, hearty and affordable. Therefore, they can be done today. Plus, cooking doesn't take long. But gastronomic pleasure is guaranteed!

You will experience no less pleasure knowing what 7 foods only Russians eat.
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