A simple way to clear a blockage in the bathroom without using special tools

  • Dec 14, 2020
A simple way to clear a blockage in the bathroom without using special tools
A simple way to clear a blockage in the bathroom without using special tools

A blockage in the toilet is an unpleasant thing, and it is not at all easy to deal with it without the help of a specially trained person. However, there is one way that will allow you to cope with any moderate blockage without involving a plumber. You can do everything only on your own, and the implementation of the technique will take a few minutes. The laws of physics will help us in an unequal battle!

Leaks from the toilet.
Leaks from the toilet.
You need cling film and scotch tape. / Photo: sm-news.ru.

So, in order to break through the blockage, we do not need a plumber or a special tool. All you need is some free time and regular cling film. The essence of the method is that it is necessary to restrict the flow of air into the sewer pipe. To do this, carefully wrap our toilet bowl with cling film. We do this several times overlapping, we do not regret the films. The reliability of the structure can be added by using an adhesive tape that will hold it.

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You also need baking soda and vinegar. / Photo: youtube.com.

When the toilet is wrapped in plastic, all you need to do is press the flush lever (button). After that, the laws of physics will do all the dirty work. The air will have nowhere else to go, and it will rush to the only available place - into the pipe. Accordingly, the airlock will push through almost any blockage with relative ease and ensure a normal flow of water in the future.

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We wrap the toilet with plastic wrap. / Photo: how-correctly. Rf.

If the blockage in the toilet is strong, then the method should be slightly modified. In this case, in addition to cling film, we also need vinegar and soda. Before wrapping the toilet, pour 1.1-1.2 packs of soda into it and pour 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar. We do not expect anything and immediately wrap up the toilet, as described above. Before flushing, several times with both hands and very gently press on the center of the film. After that, we wash it off and again press on the film with our hands and so on until the bitter end, until the blockage is completely gone.

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Press on the film and wash it off. / Photo: yandex.ru.

Continuing the topic, read about why the diameter of the water pipes measured mainly in inches.
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