How to plant strawberries in August, not to worry about the harvest next year?

  • Dec 24, 2019

Strawberry responsive to good care, therefore, to regularly produce abundant harvests, you need to follow the rules of farming.

Growing strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Preparing seedlings

Novice gardeners interested in the question of how to plant strawberries in August, as this is the best time for laying of new plantations. Strawberries should have time to adapt to new conditions and to have time to lay the flower buds for the new season.

First of all it is necessary to prepare the planting material. A healthy seedlings should be a minimum of 3 well-shaped leaf and a developed root system.

Your seedlings can be prepared by Frigo technology. Selected healthy uterine bushes and remove from them all the flower stalks to a plant to enhance the growth of whiskers, which will form new clumps. Of them leave only those shoots that have formed the closest to the mother bush. During the summer, they are fed complex fertilizers and watering.

Late autumn dig up plants and cut, leaving only a few of the young leaves. After that their packed in packages in small portions and stored in the freezer of the refrigerator. At a temperature of 0... - 2 ° C, they can be stored for up to a year. Before the start of the planting season can be planted in containers. The soil should be at the root of the neck, and the roots are straightened as much as possible.

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You can buy already rooted seedlings in containers. They need to be well to examine. Leaves from healthy fresh seedlings are easy pubescence and bright color, the root collar - at least 7 mm thick, fibrous root - 5-7 cm. If strawberry leaves shriveled or have spots, it is sick, and it is better not to buy. Large agrofirm seedlings grown from sterile plants. In this case, it will be completely healthy.

If there are signs of the disease on their own seedlings seedlings should be treated with appropriate medication, and only after their recovery to land a permanent place.
Strawberry seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Strawberry seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

preparation plot

For planting selected solar protected from the wind. The soil should be light, neutral or slightly acid. At higher acidity ground lime based deoxidized 1-2 kg per 1 sq.m. The clay or loam soil was added washed sand 1 bucket 1 sq.m. If the soil in the area of ​​infertility, then it is added in an amount of humus 2-3 buckets per 1 sq.m. Plots treated with a solution recommended by pests and diseases. You can use the complex preparation nitrofen.

2 weeks prior to planting, the soil fertilized. Per 1 square. m. introduce double superphosphate of 40 g and 20 g of potash. They are used in dry form, by evenly distributing surface layer. Organic fertilizers are applied directly to the wells. When planting seedlings sprinkled nutrient mixture consisting of garden soil, compost and decomposed manure. For every bucket of mixture you can add 2 cups of wood ash.
Care strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Care strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

scheme planting

Several schemes planting strawberries. The most popular planting in rows. The distance between rows of seedlings to be 15-20 cm. When a single-line closed up planting single rows with row spacing of 60-80 cm. Two-scheme 2 involves sealing the seedlings in rows at a distance from each other of 20-40 cm wide aisles between each pair of rows. When the square-cluster method, the distance between the rows and between the seedlings should be at least 50 cm.

Further care is to remove the mustache, watering and feeding of complex fertilizers.

In winter, the seedlings should hide under the cover material or vegetable waste.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: Urgent problems of strawberries