How to get at home a large number of marigold seedlings without land

  • Mar 03, 2021

Good afternoon, my reader. The most popular flowers that can be seen not only in personal plots, but also in city flower beds and even in boxes on balconies are marigolds. These ornamental plants, popularly called black shavers or Turkish carnations, have earned the love of flower growers due to their unpretentious care.

 Marigold. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Marigold. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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For early flowering, the culture is usually grown using a seedling technique. Inhabitants of city apartments who want to decorate their balcony with marigolds will certainly be interested in the original way of getting seedlings without land.

What are good marigolds

Marigolds have many advantages over other flowers grown in home gardens and flower beds. They are very decorative. The petals are characterized by a bright color, ranging from lemon to crimson hue. There are also varieties of two-tone black shaves.

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In addition to decorativeness, this culture is characterized by unpretentious care, undemanding to the quality of the soil. In addition, it does not need frequent watering.

Another advantage of the flower is its unusual aroma with spicy notes. He is very disliked by harmful insects. Planting a Turkish carnation on a site is a great way to scare away pests of garden and horticultural crops from it.

The technique of growing marigold seedlings without land

To obtain a large number of marigold seedlings in one container (large plastic cup), in addition to seeds, you will need to stock up on:

Marigold. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
  • plastic bags - 2-3 pcs.;
  • toilet paper - 2 rolls;
  • hydrogen peroxide (concentration 3%) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • water.

Flowers are sown for seedlings using this technique as follows:

  1. A double-folded plastic bag is spread on the table.
  2. On top of it, toilet paper is laid out in 3-4 layers.
  3. Moisten the paper with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water). The manipulation is performed using a spray bottle.
  4. Lay out on damp paper, stepping back from the edge of 5 mm, marigold seeds. Each seed is placed parallel to the "neighbor", with the black nose down. A distance of 1 cm is maintained between the seeds.
  5. The package with the seeds laid out on it is carefully and loosely rolled into a roll.
  6. The resulting loose twist is placed vertically in a large glass (the edge with the seeds should look up). Previously, you will need to pour water into the container (fill by 1 cm).
  7. A plastic bag is put on a glass with a roll inside, creating greenhouse conditions for planting. Leave the container with seeds in a well-lit and warm place.

With this method of growing, the seedlings should hatch for 4-5 days. After all the sprouts appear, remove the bag from the glass.

You will need to monitor so that there is always a little water in the container. This will prevent the paper from drying out. If done correctly, the seeds will receive enough moisture to grow.

3 weeks after sowing the seeds, the marigold seedlings will be ready for transplanting to a flower bed or to a box of soil on the balcony.

The advantage of this growing technique is that the roots of the seedlings are not injured during transplantation. Seedlings are easily removed from the paper roll.

In order for such seedlings to bloom faster, experienced florists advise 2 weeks after sowing the seeds. unwind the roll or pour a little fertile soil inside, and then roll up the twist again and return it to glass. Thanks to this trick, the flowers will begin to bloom 10-14 days after transplanting them to the flower bed.

Do you know how to get a large number of marigold seedlings at home?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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