Do I need to put mud flaps on the car if they were not there at the time of purchase

  • Dec 14, 2020
Do I need to put mud flaps on the car if they were not there at the time of purchase
Do I need to put mud flaps on the car if they were not there at the time of purchase

Mud flaps on a car - how many copies have been broken by motorists from all over the world in disputes about the usefulness and importance of this element of the car design. It is much more important to know the answer to another question, namely: is it necessary to put mud flaps on the car, if initially there were none at the time of purchase. Will this be considered a violation, and what is the responsibility in this case.

An important structural element. / Photo:
An important structural element. / Photo:

It is worth starting with the main thing, namely, with the fact that in the traffic rules there is an item numbered "7.5", which says that vehicles participating in the movement must contain the rear protective devices provided for by the design, mud flaps and mud flaps aprons. The absence of such elements provided for by the vehicle design is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles. However, it is important to emphasize the word “provided” here.

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Not always provided. / Photo:

The fact is that cars sold in dealerships (on the primary market) cannot fail to comply with all the rules and regulations at the time of sale. In other words, their design must fully comply with all applicable requirements. And this means that if a car is sold in the cabin without mud flaps, then this is exactly what it comes off the assembly line and such elements are not provided for by its design.

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It happens that they are unnecessary. / Photo:

Why is that? Because in modern cars, instead of mud flaps, other protective elements and features of the body structure are used to perform all the same functions. If desired, the motorist can install mud flaps on his own, but if the car was without them from the factory, then you will not have to pay a fine. This applies to both imported and domestic models of cars.

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Better to put it all the same. / Photo: myokolitsa.rf.

Separately, it should be noted that in practice, mud flaps are still better to be installed in order to minimize the risk of stones being thrown away while driving.

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