What kind of white plaque appears on the oil filler cap: is it worth it to be afraid

  • Dec 14, 2020
What kind of white coating appears on the oil filler cap
What kind of white coating appears on the oil filler cap

Many things in the car are completely incomprehensible to the vast majority of drivers. Moreover, even the most attentive owners would never have paid attention to most of them without outside help. And this is very sad, because there is a huge community of alarm bells that can indicate various kinds of problems and malfunctions. Today we'll talk about just one such.

This is nonsense. | Photo: drive2.ru.
This is nonsense. | Photo: drive2.ru.

Quite often, a mysterious white or white-yellow coating appears on the car's oil filler cap. Most often this happens in the off-season or in winter. By its color and consistency, this plaque has much in common with an emulsion, which in turn is formed as a result of mixing engine oil and antifreeze of a car. So is it worth panicking if a similar plaque appears on the lid?

It's just condensation. | Photo: drive2.ru.

In fact, in our climatic conditions, the formation of such plaque is a normal phenomenon. This fact has been repeatedly confirmed by the car manufacturers themselves. Seeing it on the lid, you should not immediately "sentence" the engine of your "swallow", most likely everything is not as bad as it might seem. The reasons for the appearance of the strange plaque are actually very simple.

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You need to worry if there is also white smoke. | Photo: yandex.ru.

The fact is that during the combustion of fuel, moisture is also formed, which hastens to fall out in the form of condensate. And it, in turn, is formed directly on those places, parts and structural elements that cool down the fastest in the car. The low filler cap is one of those places. Sometimes condensation and deposits appear even on the dipstick. In any case, such a phenomenon is safe. The exceptions are cases when plaque is formed on that thicket of the dipstick, which is immersed directly in the oil.

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Still worth checking out. ¦Photo: vazweb.ru.

In such a situation, you should check the serviceability of the cylinder head gasket as soon as possible. Often it turns out to be damaged, because of which the antifreeze begins to get into the engine oil, which means that the emulsion is formed directly in the engine. If it gets into the combustion chamber, it can cause serious damage and costly repairs. An indirect factor indicating a problem is the appearance of white smoke from the exhaust pipe during operation.

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