"Like two fingers": how to find out what voltage the LED is designed for

  • Dec 14, 2020
"Like two fingers": how to find out what voltage the LED is designed for
"Like two fingers": how to find out what voltage the LED is designed for

Today, LEDs are used literally at every step. When you hold this small device in your hands, it is impossible to determine the brand of the product and its characteristics by its external parameters. In particular, you cannot just find out such important information as the calculated voltage of the equipment. In order to do this, you need to have the right skills, knowledge and tools. Here's how to do it.

Analytical method

Nothing complicated. | Photo: ruselectronic.com.
Nothing complicated. | Photo: ruselectronic.com.

First of all, an analytical method can be used to determine the design stress. It is based on an attempt to assess the properties of a device based on its physical characteristics. Pay attention to the shape of the product, the color of the radiation, the dimensions and type of the LED housing. You will also need a regular multimeter to work.

We check the table. | Photo: ya.ru.

We touch the legs of the LED to the probes of the device in direct polarity and observe a slight glow. In this case, the glow color will indicate that the equipment belongs to a specific group. All values ​​in this area are fixed. Having identified the color of the radiation, just check the table below and get the answer.

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Important: the analytical method provides only indicative information. For greater reliability, it should be checked by the second method.

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Experimental method

Good to know. | Photo: cont.ws.

Having collected analytical information about the LED, it will not be superfluous to check it experimentally. In addition to the multimeter we already have at our disposal, we will also need a power supply with an adjustable output voltage and a resistor with a nominal resistance of 590-620 Ohm. You also need to put into practice the scheme below.

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Here's a diagram. | Photo: ya.ru.

The bottom line is that the resistor limits the current limit through the LED. In this case, a multimeter is needed to monitor the potential in the forward direction. During the test, the voltage gradually increases from zero to the threshold value. In this case, the LED element starts to glow, and the indicators change on the display of the multimeter. When they stop, this will be the desired nominal voltage for a particular LED.

Finally, the data obtained using the two methods should be correlated with each other.

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