Why do cats bring their prey to their owners, and how to do it right in such a situation

  • Dec 14, 2020
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Why do cats bring their prey to their owners, and how to do it right in such a situation
Why do cats bring their prey to their owners, and how to do it right in such a situation

Anyone who has ever had a cat will sooner or later come across a very strange manifestation of his pet's behavior. Cats sometimes bring animals to the owner that they managed to catch. Surely, everyone was wondering why felines actually do this, why they do not eat their prey, and does everything that happens have something to do with the owner?

Master, look here. | Photo: yandex.by.
Master, look here. | Photo: yandex.by.

A cat is a creature that always walks by itself! In fact, there is no greater delusion than the above expression. In fact, cats are quite social animals. It is enough to pay attention to the yard cats - they always get lost in groups, occupy a certain territory, and moreover, they have some kind of hierarchy. To a lesser extent, but still true for domestic cats.

Prey for humans. | Photo: yandex.ru.

Cats consider humans to be part of their “pride”. And if it seems to you that in this flock the cat dominates the person, then you are absolutely right! The fact is that an animal in most cases perceives a person as an absolutely helpless member of a pack, unable (including) to feed on its own. And this is the first and also the most important reason why a cat brings an owl prey to a person: mice, moles, birds, etc. In other words, cats tend to be empathic, like many other animals. Dogs, elephants, dolphins and even rats, as well as many other animals, know how to show empathy. In addition, showing a trophy is also a demonstration of your success in the pack, which is also important for social animals.

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Especially trained cats know how to run to the store for sausages. | Photo: 123ru.net.

Another important question is how you should react to such antics of your furry pet. First, the cat should never be scolded for such a thing. A dead vole in bed or in the kitchen is not at all what a person wants to find, but all the same, the cat needs to be praised. Secondly, you cannot tell the cat that you do not need his trophy. Remove the corpse of the animal or bird brought so that the cat does not see it, as if in reserve. Of course, you need to disinfect the place where the cat's prey lay, and also wash your hands thoroughly.

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A cat is a hunter. ¦Photo: yandex.by.

Of course, many will feel sorry for a bird strangled by a cat, and some may even feel sorry for an unfortunate mouse, but treat such the manifestation of feline behavior follows with understanding, because the cat is a predator, and hunting for the purpose of food (feeding the population) is the most important instinct. "Reasonable" cruelty (for the purpose of survival) is natural for nature.

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