5 rookie mistakes that make sewer leaks common

  • Dec 14, 2020
5 rookie mistakes that make sewer leaks common
5 rookie mistakes that make sewer leaks common

Sewerage installation is a rather complicated and very responsible process, in which not only beginners, but even quite experienced masters of their craft can make many mistakes. There is nothing worse than regular sewer leaks. They happen for very specific reasons, including as a result of mistakes that were made by workers at the stage of installing pipes. Let's analyze the most common ones.

1. Risers without ventilation

There must be ventilation. / Photo: banya-expert.com.
There must be ventilation. / Photo: banya-expert.com.

The most common mistake that almost all beginners make. If you do not provide ventilation of the riser, then (in fact) a vacuum is formed in the pipe. Initially, this leads to a violation of the wastewater disposal, which will subsequently begin to be accompanied by a characteristic gurgling. An unpleasant odor will follow, which can be very difficult to remove, especially if the situation is started. Then the drain will just start leaking.

2. Incorrect gasket

The place is very important. / Photo: stroitelstvo-remont-sochi.ru.
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It is very important to choose the right place for laying the sewage system, since otherwise this alone can cause future leaks. In addition, it is very important to choose really high quality pipes from reliable materials. And by the way, if you lay pipes too high in the house, you will have to regularly "enjoy" the sounds of leaving water in living quarters. Dubious pleasure.

3. Shallow depression

Depth matters. / Photo: plykatrub.ru.

It is worth remembering that the sewage system should not only be well insulated, but also thoroughly deepened. Otherwise, in the cold season, the pipes will begin to freeze. Sooner or later, the ice in the pipe can become so much that it will lead to deformation of the structure, which will become the cause of leaks, and sometimes the complete destruction of the sewage system with very unpleasant consequences for owners.

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4. Lack of valve

There must be a valve. / Photo: chel.yapokupayu.ru.

The return valve is an essential element of the home drainage system, which significantly reduces the risk of leakage as a result of reverse flow. This happens quite rarely, however, when it happens, the consequences for the household can be extremely severe. In addition, the check valve prevents unpleasant odors and harmful gases from entering the premises.

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5. Septic tank without ventilation

There must be ventilation. / Photo: ecoseptik.by.

First of all, an unventilated septic tank of a sewer pipe very quickly turns into a source of an unpleasant odor. Gradually, it will also get dirty, which in the foreseeable future will present the owners with another unpleasant surprise - an unexpected leak.

Continuing the topic, read about how
the bathroom stinks of sewage: why this happens and how to solve the problem.
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