An original way of growing raspberries

  • Dec 24, 2019

Raspberries - it's not only delicious, but also useful berry. Its disadvantage is that the wrong care shrubs begin to grow throughout the site. Even if you regularly prune the plants, harvesting fruit plantation is always accompanied by the appearance of scratches on the body. To simplify harvesting and get rid of the proliferation of dwarf shrubs around the infield, you can porobovat original way of growing raspberries.

Growing raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Necessary materials

The root system of raspberry remontant not exceeding 30 cm in the vertical (y ordinary bushes 15 cm). Horizontal roots can extend to a distance of 0.6-0.7 m. To plant is well developed and bear fruit, you can try to grow it in car tires. Tires will prevent the proliferation of root processes and make the beds tidy.

Tires should not be new. You can use old tires that are no longer suitable for use. They can be obtained free of charge at a service station car (tire).
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Tire to half digged in the earth. Inside it is filled with soil mixed with superphosphate. It is necessary to tightly fill the sides of buses, that there was no voids. Otherwise, the root system can not survive the severe frosts. Soil abundantly watered and then planted seedlings.

Care for raspberries

Seeds in tires does not need special care. If, during the summer season, the natural rainfall is sufficient, additional watering is not required. Tires retain moisture well, so there is no need for frequent soil moisture. When drought raspberries need for artificial irrigation.

Tires do not give away quickly, not only moisture, but and soil fertilizers. For this reason, raspberries in the old wheels does not need frequent feeding. Throughout the summer season it is possible to fertilize 1 times. You can use complex organic-fertilizer "ideal". The bucket of water was dissolved 3 tablespoons the drug. Additionally, you can add 2 tbsp nitrophosphate. The tire 1 can be poured up to 5 liter of this manure.

With the onset of autumn raspberries must be trimmed. Before winter, the plants should be feed nettle. To prepare it, you will need 1 kg of grass to fill in 10 liters of water, cover the container with a lid and put in the sun. After 7-10 days of infusion will be ready. Before making fertilizer into the ground concentrate is diluted with water (1: 8). Each tire was poured into about 10 liters of liquid.

Pruning raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pruning raspberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Cut branches of raspberry are not released. They are ground and used as a mulch (after bushes fertilizers).

In the spring, when it will be grass, raspberries should feed her infusion (prescription nettle). Additionally, the composition of the urea fertilizer can be added. If the plant is developing normally, ie, there are no visible signs of a lack of nutrients, the culture before the fall do not need fertilizing.

To plant good fruit and berries were large bushes need to be cut, leaving 4-5 strong branches. To support the growing shoots can use rebar, which is inserted in the wheel. In the autumn after cutting branches raspberries fertilize nettle or rotted manure. The branches are covered with ground and their roots (mulch).

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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