Planting chrysanthemums in the garden area

  • Dec 24, 2019
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In autumn decoration of any garden will chrysanthemums. Despite the fact that these flowers are unpretentious, should adhere to certain rules of caring for them. Then, chrysanthemums will bloom even more pleasing owners riot of colors.

Growing chrysanthemums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing chrysanthemums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

How to plant chrysanthemums?

There are many varieties of chrysanthemums, bred specifically for different latitudes. The most popular are the garden hybrids, which are highly valued for their decorative qualities. They can be planted ready-bushes, which are sold in stores, or try to grow from seed.

However, plants derived from seeds, characterized by low resistance to temperature changes, may sometimes differ in appearance from the claimed properties. Aftercrops carried out in early spring, which is used crates filled moist nutrient soil. Soil mix is ​​not necessary to purchase ready. It can be made of the greenhouse and peat mixed in equal parts with humus.

The seeds should not be completely closed the ground, because they need a lot of light. After 7-10 days you can see the first shoots. For 9-10 hours, young plants need feeding in the first. It is best to use the fertilizer complex. Thinning is carried out when the bushes reach a height of 8-10 cm. Untraceable only strong instances that already have a few leaves.

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Transferred to the greenhouse plants need when the average temperature will be 18 +... + 19 ° C. In the open ground planting chrysanthemums in the area is held in late May or early June.

However, the most common way is not sowing, and planting of cuttings ready, having roots. These plants take root quickly, actively begin to build up a lot of green. Such a method is applied in the spring.

For chrysanthemums selected exposed portion which is on a hill. If the soil is loose and rainproof, cuttings are placed in the previously prepared holes or trenches in which lay decomposed manure or fertilizer. Between shrubs should be a distance of 40-50 cm, but it can vary depending on the varieties of flowers.

Cuttings gently transferred into the recess, trying to keep the rhizomes clods, then sprinkle them with soil and watered with liquid admixture of any means for rooting.
Planting chrysanthemums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Planting chrysanthemums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Features planting chrysanthemums in the fall

Experienced gardeners in the autumn recommend planting chrysanthemums only in the southern regions. In this case, use in these cases should be melkotsvetkovye varieties. The most appropriate time will be the second half of September or the first half of October.

Bush should have a well-formed shoots. This will help the young plant is better to move the winter. Wells, in which will be planted chrysanthemum, should be filled with wood ashes (quite a few handfuls), humus or humus ground sheet. The hole should be moistened and immediately immerse the stalks. Then it should be covered with soil and trample it carefully.

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Caring for roses. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Chrysanthemums can be grown at home, using the appropriate varieties, such as Gustav Grunwald or Golden Glory. They can be planted on a part by dividing the large bush or ready cuttings.

As containers used pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm. When the plant becomes large, it is transferred to the dishes of a larger size.

If chrysanthemum pinch, side shoots will appear faster, so the bushes will be more fluffy.

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