How to lengthen tulle without bothering with a needle or sewing machine

  • Dec 14, 2020
How to lengthen tulle without bothering with a needle or sewing machine
How to lengthen tulle without bothering with a needle or sewing machine

It was time to change the curtains in the room and then suddenly it turned out that they were too short. It looks ugly. You should not worry in such a situation, because there are many ways to deal with the problem. Moreover, there are at least two ways to eliminate the disadvantage without using sewing, it is enough to have ordinary plastic clamps at hand.

Method one - clamps

Plastic clamps will help. | Photo:
Plastic clamps will help. | Photo:

First and foremost, you need to remove the curtains from the window, if they have already been hung, or prepare them if not already. We take a marker and one plastic clamp, stand carefully on a stool to the cornice and figure out how the curtain will hang on the clamps. After that, we go down and mark the plastic part based on the fact that it should close and at the same time lengthen the tulle by 5 cm. Thus, you will need to mark all the clips.

We do it like this. | Photo:

Next, we take the blanks and go directly to the curtain. We push the collar into the corsage tape and close it. You need to try to make sure that all the clamps are located at the same distance from each other. We cut off the excess plastic sticking out of the lock with ordinary scissors so that the structure looks neat and beautiful.

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We hang it neatly. | Photo:

That's all, all that remains is to hang the curtain. It is also important to note that in the future, the curtain can be washed directly with clamps. Nothing bad will happen, the design will not be broken and it can be used over and over again.

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Method two - colored ribbons

We buy colored ribbons. | Photo:

Someone will probably say something like this: plastic clips with curtains are a level 90 "collective farm"! It will be difficult to disagree with this statement, especially if the curtains are "colored". Despite all the simplicity, simultaneous effectiveness, reliability and economy of the method with plastic clamps, it also has a drawback - a violation of the aesthetic qualities of the design item. No problem.

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We knit bows on the corsage ribbon. ¦Photo:

It is enough to go to the store with accessories for tailors and buy ribbons that match the color of the curtains. They are cut in the same way, threaded into the curtain corsage ribbon and tied with bows. In this case, you also don't need to sew anything. The only thing worth emphasizing here is that it is best to take a wide tape.

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