Those who have recently become the happy owner of a land plot are immediately faced with the task - creation of a reliable fence, which should not only last for many years, but also become an ornament possessions. This is a rather complicated and costly process, but the following example will clearly demonstrate how to independently and fairly quickly acquire an exclusive fence and not go broke.
Sooner or later, each owner of a land plot begins to overcome the question of creating a fence around the property. Those who have unlimited finances will not suffer for a long time, but the rest will have to strain themselves in order to build not only a reliable, but also an original fence to please the eye of both theirs and neighbors.
There are tons of options out there that are quite popular and relatively budget friendly and preferred by most homeowners, but the following example striking in its originality, how you can make a fence easily and alone, and with quite feasible costs, both financial, physical and temporary. And at the same time, you will not have to stock up on newfangled and expensive tools either, a plane (if the board is unprocessed), a mallet and a building level will be enough.
The advantage of this type of fence is obvious: it looks very original and beautiful (like everything natural), the tree does not heats up, so that the flowers can be planted back to back, nothing will happen to them, and the fenced area will be constantly ventilate.
This is an important condition for creating a comfortable microclimate, especially in hot weather or damp weather, when people, animals and even plants need air movement. And the biggest plus is that such a fence has almost no windage, so that no wind can tear the canvas.
Inna Krylova showed this unique way of assembling an exclusive and correct fence in all respects. She also explained all the advantages and disadvantages of this design.
First you need to install the pillars, which will be the frame and basis for weaving the fence. Their installation depends on the soil in which they will be fixed: if it is clay soil (like our craftswoman), then it is useless to concrete, they will still bulge out. Therefore, it was decided to dig 70 cm depressions, install intake metal pipes with a cross section of 57 mm and step 2.7 m., then backfill with broken brick (you can use pebbles and chips of natural stone of medium values). In this case, the supports in the spring "walk" without prejudice to such a structure (profiled sheets cannot be fixed like that!) And for themselves.
In order to prevent moisture from getting inside the pipe, the zealous hostess purchased special plugs with which she closed the hole, which significantly increased the life of this product. On this, the most difficult and lengthy process was completed, as for a woman who is engaged in construction herself. Now you can start filling the spans between the supports.
Help from the Novate editors. Ru: Inna Krylova is a mother of many children who, after the death of her husband, raises children herself, while also caring for a disabled mother. Therefore, in order to save money, he tries to do most of the work on his own.
So, to "weave" the main fabric of the fence you will need:
- board (to save money, the craftswoman used an unplaned board 20x100 mm);
- protective impregnation for wood;
- electric planer;
- mallet;
- building level.
Before creating a fence, you need to prepare the surface of the boards to protect the natural material from temperature fluctuations, moisture, insects and even fire. If the choice fell on not planed wood, then before applying the protective impregnation, it is better to walk with a plane - this will give the board a more aesthetic appearance and will reduce the consumption of protective material. In the same way, the bar is prepared, which will be installed in the center of the weave.
Important! When choosing the parameters of the bar, it should be understood that the weaving relief will depend on its thickness and width - the thicker and wider it is, the stronger the wave will turn out.
The height of the fence depends on your preferences, but if you want to hide from human eyes, you need to make a fence not lower than 1.8 m. calculated for such a height for one span, 18 boards will be needed, which, after the protective layer has dried, can already set.
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To begin with, one board is installed on the ground itself and the middle is determined using a tape measure - this is the location of the bar through which weaving will take place. Before the mark, place a block (perpendicular) and, holding it with your foot, put the next board on top.
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Each subsequent board is installed on the opposite side of the bar, thus weaving will occur. In order not to be mistaken with the angle at which the fence is installed, after fixing 3 boards, we determine the correct location. If there is a bias, then with the help of a mallet we level the wooden structure, which, by the way, in no case cannot be fixed screws, nails and other fasteners - this will cause irreparable damage to the wood.
Such checks must be carried out without fail, otherwise everything will have to be redone, and it is better not to bend the boards once again. Moreover, it is necessary to align (using the building level) both the boards and the angle of the bar, which should always be 90 degrees.
Thus, a fence is made span by span, and this process does not take a lot of time and effort, especially when you consider that spans in one day, as a professional sheet sets, is not required. In such a structure, the most labor-intensive process is the installation of supports and the preparation of wood.
The biggest problem can arise in the first and last spans that connect to the gate. As a rule, the gates are hung on more massive supports, the cross-section of which is twice the selected posts for the fence itself. In this case, there is also a way out. Inna, for example, welded a 20x40 mm profile pipe along the edges of the supports, to which the edges of the board will cling, forming an original connection with the gate. From a practical point of view, this reduction in thickness is also correct, because otherwise the gate wings would not be able to fully open.
If you decide to repeat Inna's example and install a fence on your site, do not forget to notify your neighbor about this decision, or better - take a receipt from him. And why do you need to do it and much more explained in the following material.