Why wheels with a larger diameter than provided at the factory cannot be installed on the machine

  • Dec 14, 2020
Why wheels with a larger diameter than provided at the factory cannot be installed on the machine
Why wheels with a larger diameter than provided at the factory cannot be installed on the machine

Placing larger wheels on a car is not a good idea. Those who do this as part of car tuning will be the first to say about this. This is because violating factory specifications without having a certain set of knowledge and skills is an idea that can have very sad consequences.

the wheels must match the factory settings. / Photo: yandex.ru.
the wheels must match the factory settings. / Photo: yandex.ru.

There are motorists who are thinking about installing larger diameter wheels, for example, in order to increase ground clearance. On the one hand, this is an interesting idea, and on the other, an idea that can have very sad consequences. In fact, you should not violate the manufacturer's recommendations for choosing wheels for a specific car. Of course, for most machines, the manufacturer offers several possible diameters, the use of which will not lead to negative consequences. However, in our case we are talking about radical transformations.

The parameters of the course are changed. / Photo: autocentre.ua.
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So why not use big wheels? Firstly, the large size of the rims implies a quite natural increase in the mass of the car. Accordingly, the heavier the wheel, the more difficult it is to spin it. This means that the motor is subjected to much more load, which leads to accelerated wear of its elements.

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Motor wear is accelerated. / Photo: dvizhok-master.ru.

Secondly, the installation of wheels of the wrong size significantly impairs the dynamics of the car, leads to an increase in fuel consumption, and also increases the speed and degree of wear of the bearings. In addition, with the wrong wheels, various suspension problems arise much faster. Finally, larger wheels cause the car's speedometer to show inadequate readings. And this, in turn, is fraught with emergency situations on the road, up to an accident.

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The dynamics of the stroke is disturbed. / Photo: drom.ru.

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