VOC and septic tank: is there a difference between them, and what to choose when organizing sewage on the site

  • Dec 14, 2020
VOC and septic tank: is there a difference between them, and what to choose when organizing sewage on the site
VOC and septic tank: is there a difference between them, and what to choose when organizing sewage on the site

As soon as you start to take seriously your country house, you immediately realize that the sewage system is one of the most important things. Moreover, it is not so easy to organize it. In the end, it all comes down to the fact that you have to choose between a septic tank, VOC and the desire to make an ordinary village cesspool "pit without a bottom." How to be in such a situation and what is the best way to choose so as not to make yourself problems in the future.

Sewerage on the site. / Photo: twitter.com.
Sewerage on the site. / Photo: twitter.com.

So let's clarify the question. Local treatment facilities of factory production in the vast majority of cases use for wastewater treatment an aerobic method, which involves the use of special microorganisms. They, in turn, need an oxygen supply, as well as a constant temperature at the borders of plus 20-40 degrees Celsius. Microorganisms live and grow in biofilm and active sludge. This allows you to achieve a high rate of waste processing compared to anaerobic septic tanks.

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Better than just a cesspool. / Photo: strojdvor.ru.

In the case of anaerobic septic tanks, bacteria are also used, but these are microorganisms of a different type. The main difference is that they digest human waste products much more slowly. Thus, where aerobic technology can be completed in 5 hours, anaerobic technology can be carried for 5 days. Only this (as well as the cost and complexity of care) is the main difference between the two septic tanks.

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Sewerage is not easy to make. / Photo: chistovod.by.

Now, with regard to the "people's septic tank", the very one - "pits without a bottom." In this case, there is no cleaning at all. All the contents that got into the cesspool just go into the ground. Therefore, this method of disposal should be considered only in the most extreme case.

VOC and septic tank: is there a difference between them, and what to choose when organizing sewage on the site

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There is essentially no difference. / Photo: dachadesign.ru.

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VOC and septic tank: is there a difference between them, and what to choose when organizing sewage on the site