Where to sit to survive, or Safe places in 7 types of transport

  • Dec 14, 2020
Safe places in 7 modes of transport.
Safe places in 7 modes of transport.

The safest, according to statistics, is air transport. But even here sometimes emergencies happen. There are 60 plane crashes worldwide every year. However, if you compare the death rate on the roads, then it exceeds the plane crash by 150 times. How to protect yourself while on the vehicle? It turns out that every vehicle has safe places that can save your life during an emergency. It should also be borne in mind that compliance with the evacuation rules can also minimize the risk of injury in a difficult situation.

1. Motor ship

Safe places on the ship. / Photo: mtdata.ru.
Safe places on the ship. / Photo: mtdata.ru

According to experts, the safest places on the ship are the upper deck and the cabins that are located closer to it. During a shipwreck, the upper part of the ship is submerged in the water last. Lower cabins are considered dangerous. It is there that, in the event of a hole, water begins to flow, and in case of evacuation, it is more difficult to get out of such cabins.

To reduce the tragic outcome in an extreme situation, it is also recommended follow the basic rules:

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• Review the evacuation plan. The best solution would be to photograph it.
• Evacuate by an organized group.
• In case of evacuation from a ship into an inflatable boat, make sure that there are no metal parts on the shoes so as not to damage the skin.
• It is better to jump into the water as a "soldier", with one hand pressing the life jacket, and the other covering the nose and mouth.

2. Plane

Safe seats on the plane. / Photo: ourtripguide.com.
Safe seats on the plane. / Photo: ourtripguide.com

Experts still cannot come to a consensus which part of the plane is less dangerous. Still, most consider the rear seats to be less hazardous than the business-class front rows. The statistics were based on the research of the National Security Council of America, which was carried out for 30 years. As a result, it turned out that 70% of the passengers from among the survivors of the plane crashes were sitting closer to the tail of the plane.

Interesting fact from Novate.ru: At the moment, the Boeing 777 is considered the safest of modern aircraft. Over the years of operation, this model has flown about 20 million hours. During the entire operation of the Boeing 777, one ship was lost and 3 people died.

3. A train

Safe seats on the train. / Photo: asset-a.grid.id.
Safe seats on the train. / Photo: asset-a.grid.id

During emergency situations, the first thing the train driver does is to turn on the braking mode. From a sudden transition from movement to brake, a strong jolt of the train occurs, which can lead to injuries among passengers. The most dangerous places are in the direction of travel, since with sudden braking, a person can fall. Shelves located in the direction of travel are considered safe, since during the impact the inertia force will push you against the wall.

When choosing a carriage, you should give preference to those that are located in the middle of the train. The most dangerous cars are the first two from the head of the train and the one in the tail.

4. City bus

Safe seats on the bus. / Photo: i4.tabor.ru.
Safe seats on the bus. / Photo: i4.tabor.ru

The safest seats on the bus are in the center, in the lane behind the driver's cab, closer to the oncoming lane. It is not necessary to occupy space in the first two rows. In an oncoming collision, passengers in these places can be injured by broken fragments from the windshield. Areas near doors and windows are also unsafe. The last row of seats can be dangerous if the bus collides with other vehicles from behind.

At the moment of collapse, overturning or sliding onto the side of the bus, you need to position yourself steadily in the place you are occupying. Evacuation is only possible when the vehicle has taken a stable position.

5. Trolleybus

Safe seats on the trolleybus. / Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.com.
Safe seats on the trolleybus. / Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.com

The trolleybus is less maneuverable than a bus or a fixed-route taxi. In an emergency, its movement is limited by contact suspensions. In the case of right-hand traffic, the safest places in this type of transport are the right lane and seats in the middle of the passenger compartment, which are located with their backs in the direction of travel. The greatest danger in a collision is represented by fragments flying in different directions. Therefore, the most dangerous areas are places near doors and windows.

6. Minibus

Safe seats in the minibus. / Photo: i.pinimg.com.
Safe seats in the minibus. / Photo: i.pinimg.com

Traffic in the city is impossible without maneuverable route taxis. According to statistics, most road accidents in the city are caused precisely by the fault of minibuses. In pursuit of monetary gains, drivers sometimes violate the safety of transportation and take passengers to "standing places". This is the most dangerous place in a route taxi. When braking suddenly, a person may not be able to resist and get injured.

Safe seats in a minibus are considered to be seats located against the direction of travel. Dangerous seating: next to the driver and near windows or doors. If a collision is inevitable, then it is necessary to group: press your feet tightly to the floor and firmly grab the seat in front.

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7. A car

Safe places in the car. / Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.com.
Safe places in the car. / Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.com

There are different opinions about a safe place in the car. Some believe that during a head-to-head crash, the driver will try to maneuver in order to deflect the impact away from himself, thereby protecting the passenger who sits behind him. This makes sense. The back row in the car can be considered safe in any collision. Passengers have extra space to survive.

However, an emergency situation on the road can be different, including a side collision. Then the safest place is the middle one in the back. Airbags and seat belts are provided in modern car models. Thus, a seat next to the driver can also be safe, but only on modified cars.

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