7 "healthy" foods that ultimately harm your body

  • Dec 14, 2020
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 Some of our favorite “healthy” foods are not worth eating. / Photo: s.s-bol.com
Some of our favorite “healthy” foods are not worth eating. / Photo: s.s-bol.com

Interest in healthy eating has grown significantly in recent years. Many people try to consume more fresh juices, foods rich in vitamins. However, there are pitfalls in this flow: not all advertised and popular products are as useful as we think. A selection of tips that will shed light on food and drink that require extra care can help you avoid well-being.

Juices are not as healthy as many people think

Even healthy foods can be harmful. / Photo: mir24.tv
Even healthy foods can be harmful. / Photo: mir24.tv

Orange juice has always been especially popular, which contains rich amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants. However, recent research has shown that the high sugar content of this juice makes it just as harmful to the body as soda. And people over 45 years old are allowed to drink orange juice only in small quantities and with special care, so as not to harm their health. Other store-bought juices are also not very healthy, as preserving them removes the healthiest part of fruits and vegetables - fiber - leaving sugar water in the drink. Without fiber, the juice you drink does not provide satiety, so you want to drink more and more of it, raising your blood sugar.

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Interesting information from Novate.ru: The benefits of fresh juice were discovered by ancient people. In the letters of 100 BC BC. recommendations were found that advise to drink pomegranate and fig juices to maintain a slim figure, strength and energy.

2. Vegetarian chips and other snacks

This idea is too incredible to be true. / Photo: img1.hochu.ua

Many people indulge themselves with potato chips quite often, but this is not particularly good for health. Therefore, some manufacturers have introduced a new product - vegetarian chips, which are positioned as a more nutritious and healthy alternative to regular chips. However, even here it is worth being vigilant, because not always what the packaging promises us is the pure truth. Some unscrupulous growers may sell potato and cornstarch crisps colored like dried vegetables using tomato paste and spinach powder. Before buying "diet" food, you should always carefully check the composition.

3. Yogurt does not have a beneficial effect on the health of the body

Sometimes yogurt has the opposite effect. / Photo: 24tv.ua

Yogurt is believed to be high in protein, calcium and vitamins, and probiotics that have beneficial effects on health. However, a study involving more than 4,000 people showed that regular consumption of yogurt does not have a beneficial effect on our body. What's more, not all yogurt is even healthy. Some yoghurts contain excessive amounts of sugar, especially fruit or flavored ones, and they often contain various unhealthy additives. Nutritionists say these supplements can help the harmful bacteria spread and multiply in the intestines. There is something to think about.

4. Egg whites are no healthier than whole eggs

Rehabilitation of egg yolks is an achievement of modern science. / Photo: des.chinabrands.com

It is believed that eating only egg whites is safer for health. This statement is based on the fact that the yolks contain cholesterol, an excess of which can disrupt the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, recent scientific studies have shown that for the vast majority of people, cholesterol in eggs does not have a strong effect on blood cholesterol levels. This means that most people can eat one whole egg a day without the risk of heart disease or stroke.

5. Lavash instead of bread: which is healthier?

Recently, sales of bread have declined and the popularity of alternative flour products has increased. / Photo: nashaplaneta.su

Lavash is considered a healthier, lower-calorie version of a flour product that can be used for a sandwich. However, some studies have shown that such foods can be even more nutritious than bread and contain high levels of sodium and fat. Some manufacturers, when making pita bread, do not hesitate to add unhealthy trans fats and hydrogenated oils, which are even more dangerous for the body.

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6. Vegetarian burgers

Any fast food is suspicious. / Photo: kaktutest.by

Every year, the increasing number of vegetarians and people who follow a healthy diet is forcing manufacturers to produce appropriate products. The veggie burger is a tempting snack, but you should be careful with it too. The word "vegetarian" in the name does not mean that the product is actually good for the body. Vegetarian burgers often contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients and artificial fillers. Some also don't have enough plant protein to keep their stomachs full. A lot of sodium is often used for a pleasant and appetizing aroma, which in turn can lead to high blood pressure and other unpleasant health consequences.

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7. Coconut oil can be dangerous

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat. / Photo: ecoizm.org

Coconut oil has been used for centuries in tropical regions where coconut trees are abundant. However, in our cooking, it has gained popularity relatively recently and is not used so often. The attention to the product has attracted numerous assurances from doctors and nutritionists that coconut oil can help you lose weight, cure ulcers, and provide a good supply of energy for the body. However, a closer look at the composition of coconut oil reveals its bad side: an abundance of saturated fats, which in excess amounts dramatically increase cholesterol and the risk of heart diseases.
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