Why do tanks have caterpillar fingers with their heads facing inward, while tractors?

  • Dec 14, 2020
Why do tanks have caterpillar fingers with their heads pointing inward, and tractors - outward?
Why do tanks have caterpillar fingers with their heads pointing inward, and tractors - outward?

Not all tracked vehicles are military. There is a fairly large number of civilian vehicles on tracks. The simplest and most striking example in this regard is tractors. It is noteworthy that the tracks used in tanks and tractors are actually quite different. First of all, with your "fingers". What is the essence of the difference between a civilian structure and an army one?

Tanks and tractors have different tracks. / Photo: karopka.ru.
Tanks and tractors have different tracks. / Photo: karopka.ru.

First of all, it should be remembered that the track chain consists of interconnected tracks. They are held together by what is commonly called “caterpillar fingers”. In cases where the fingers move, the caterpillar ruptures, after which it has to be assembled, tensioned and fixed on the machine rollers again. Back at the beginning of the 20th century, the designers thought of installing special fuse heads on the track pins, which greatly improve the situation with the number of breaks.

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Here is a bump fist. / Photo: yandex.net.

The bottom line is that even if there is a safety head, the car and its tracks vibrate in a quite natural way while driving. Constant maneuvers, vibrations and various loads cause the track fingers to gradually move. Sooner or later, they will still fall out of the tracks, which will cause the entire chain to break. To prevent this, engineers came up with several ways to solve the problem.

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And this is how the issue is solved in tractors. / Photo: yandex.ru.

As a result, the location of the finger heads (outward or inward) depends on which tear prevention mechanism is used in a particular machine. In tanks, the caterpillar is put on with the finger heads to the hull due to the fact that the fist fists are welded to the sides of the vehicle. They are usually attached to the rear of the tank. They are needed in order to constantly knock the fingers coming out of the tracks back with light blows, right while the tank is moving.

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Everything to prevent tearing. / Photo: military-informant.com.

On tracked tractors, a different track burst protection system is used, and at the same time, the pins are installed with the head out. In each tractor finger, a hole is simply made where the washer and wire are inserted. Such a system is less reliable and requires constant manual testing, but it is also much cheaper than a cunning mechanism used in military equipment.

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