Do I need to wash buckwheat before cooking, and where does phytic acid come in?

  • Dec 14, 2020
Do I need to wash buckwheat before cooking, and where does phytic acid come in?
Do I need to wash buckwheat before cooking, and where does phytic acid come in?

Porridge is a very healthy food containing a large amount of vitamins. In most cases, cereals are not very expensive, which also makes them a very popular dish in households with a wide range of income levels. Buckwheat occupies a very special place in the diet of our compatriots. However, as practice shows, not every citizen knows that this cereal should actually be thoroughly washed before boiling. Let's find out why.

First you need to settle the cereals in a bowl of water. | Photo:
First you need to settle the cereals in a bowl of water. | Photo:

Washing buckwheat before cooking is not at all recommended, but a strictly mandatory operation. It is necessary to wash cereals (and not only buckwheat) if only because dust, dirt, low-quality grains, and sometimes even foreign objects get into the pack in one way or another. Do not forget that during long-term storage, some manufacturers treat cereals with special chemical compounds to protect them from pests and weather conditions. Ultimately, eating unwashed buckwheat can be not only unhealthy, but frankly dangerous to health.

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Then, wash under running water. | Photo:

In addition, poorly washed or not washed buckwheat is quite different in its taste, and not for the better. Unscrupulous manufacturers may even have earth or sand in packs with cereals. It is worth catching such a grain of sand with a tooth, and eating porridge may end up with a trip to the dentist and expensive treatment. Moreover, all of the above are only additional reasons. The main thing is that it must be removed from buckwheat before boiling. phytic acid.

Only then cook. | Photo:

Phytic acid appears naturally on cereals and legumes. She is a complex ether and has frankly conflicting qualities. The main thing to know about it is that it distorts the taste of cereals, and also makes it difficult for the stomach to assimilate during eating. Getting rid of phytin is not at all difficult; it is enough to thoroughly wash the product under running water.

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It turns out healthier and tastier. | Photo:

How to do it correctly? First of all, you need to take a closer look at the croup and sort out the "water method". For this, the cereal is poured into a saucepan and poured with cold water. As a rule, garbage is much lighter than grains, and therefore very soon all buckwheat will settle to the bottom, and foreign objects will remain on the surface. When this happens, the water is carefully drained into the sink. After that, buckwheat must be poured into a metal sieve (colander) and rinsed thoroughly under running water from the tap. This will wash away any acid residues.

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In general, it is not a sin to wash all the cereals. ¦Photo:

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should definitely read about why barley became the main dish of the USSR armythough they hated her.