3 rules for sour cream to turn into a delicious sauce, and not curl when stewing

  • Dec 14, 2020
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3 rules for sour cream to turn into a delicious sauce, and not curl when stewing
3 rules for sour cream to turn into a delicious sauce, and not curl when stewing

Each housewife knows that when stewing sour cream curls up, loses its taste, culinary and aesthetic qualities. At the same time, many have probably heard that a delicious sauce is prepared from sour cream with the help of stewing. How can this be done? Here are three simple rules to remember to be successful in this challenging endeavor.

It's easy to do. / Photo: yandex.by.
It's easy to do. / Photo: yandex.by.

A properly prepared sauce will be a great addition to any dish. Chicken, meat, fish and mushrooms stewed in sour cream sauce are especially tasty. And here it is time for many housewives to ask: how to make the sour cream turn into your "sauce" when stewing, and not at all dull bundles? In fact, the answer to this question is quite simple. There are three simple rules that should be followed when cooking sour cream dishes using stewing.

Rule one - the right product

Only the right sour cream. / Photo: zira.uz.

To create a sauce for stewing, not some randomly selected sour cream is suitable. When choosing this product, you should pay attention to its fat content. It should be about 25-30%, in extreme cases, the fat content can be lowered to 20%. However, if you take a product with an even lower fat content, then no sauce will come out for sure. In addition, you cannot use stale sour cream that has already stood open for some time.

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Rule two - the right temperature

It is necessary to let the sour cream lie down. / Photo: behance.net.

The sauce should never be made with cold sour cream. A sharp temperature drop will be detrimental to the dairy product. Therefore, before starting to prepare a dish on sour cream, the latter should be removed from the refrigerator for several hours and put on the table so that it warms up to room temperature.

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Rule three - special ingredient

A spoonful of starch will help. / Photo: fb.ru.

Finally, making a delicious sauce will not be possible without adding one special ingredient to the sour cream. We are talking, of course, about starch, which helps thicken fatty foods (and not only). Typically, about one tablespoon is sufficient. Corn starch and potato starch work equally well.

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