Why were boys and girls forced to wear bras in the USSR

  • Dec 14, 2020
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Why were boys and girls forced to wear bras in the USSR
Why were boys and girls forced to wear bras in the USSR

Many different items that have been commonplace for several decades have lost their relevance today. There are some that most of our contemporaries will not even remember, and even if they had to see them, they would not be able to understand what it is and what their purpose is. It is these long forgotten objects that are kept in the historical museum. There are exhibits of products that people used 30 years ago, and there are those that went out of use about three hundred years ago. One of the outdated things will interest many.

A story about a boy wearing a bra was published in a children's magazine in 1956 / Photo: lifchik-dlya-detey9
A story about a boy wearing a bra was published in a children's magazine in 1956 / Photo: lifchik-dlya-detey9

If our children today begin to read the story "Difficult evening" by N. Artyukhova, published in the magazine "Murzilka" in the 56th year, they would be very surprised. And their parents, too, perhaps, would have remained perplexed. It describes the procedure for removing a bra by a little boy. Quite a funny thing. It is not clear only one thing, what kind of bra could have been in the boy Lesha, which he also wore. A completely understandable element of women's underwear immediately appears in our imagination.

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A bra was called a special device for holding stockings on children's legs / Photo: babiki.ru

In fact, this is just a special device for children to hold stockings on legs, which has been actively used for fifty years. A generation raised in tights, synthetic, durable and elastic fabrics, knowing that such a velcro fastener and a lot of other important and useful elements, he will not understand how it was possible to dress like this child. But in the last century, this option was considered the most progressive.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, in order to maximally securely fix the underwear on children, full-fledged systems were developed, consisting of cut bras, special suspenders and straps.

Such clothes were not supposed to hinder movement / Photo: forum.moya-semya.ru

In relation to bras for children, a number of requirements were put forward. They had to not hinder movement and support some items of clothing well. There were a fairly large number of models of these products, but experts recommended a style with buttons at the waist and fairly wide shoulders. The buttons on the sides were used to fasten skirts and other things, and the boys were offered bras with elastic bands at the bottom, allowing them to hold their trousers.

In the decades that followed, bras for kids with striped garters and buttons on the back became firmly established in the lives of boys and girls. They were used en masse, although the small owners of such things, most likely, they brought a lot of problems of a "technical" nature.

Boys wore bras until they reached their junior preschool age / Photo: yandex.ua

Very young boys have had their shorts fastened in the same way over the years. For this, all the same bras or special vests could be used, which had buttons on the front.

A rather problematic type of clothing ceased to be worn by boys when they reached primary school age. It was then that in the cold they stopped wearing stockings and short pants. They were replaced by school standard trousers.

It was difficult for girls to hide suspenders with stockings under a short dress / Photo: in.pinterest.com

It was more difficult for the girls. As soon as it got cold, the system was complemented by pantaloons made of wool, flannel or flannel fabric, which did not look very attractive. Another problem is the inability to hide them under a dress if it is short. In the lower grades, this fact caused embarrassment among girls. But in the middle classes, the problem was solved by itself. Girls already wore stockings with a flannel belt, as did adult girls and women.

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Due to the complexity of use in the early sixties, the bra slowly began to leave the life of the population. For some time, the buttons for the bandages from the stockings were sewn to the panties, but then this need also disappeared.

By the 70s, bras lost their relevance, they were replaced by comfortable tights with a rib / Photo: okean-v-butylke.ru

But by the end of the sixties, first women's tights came to the Soviet Union, and then children's tights, which greatly simplified everything. In the factories where hosiery were made, tights were produced in huge quantities. In a short time, mothers realized how comfortable and practical the new clothes are and began to purchase them for their children.

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They quickly forgot about uncomfortable bras for children / Photo: m.fishki.net

As for the bras with a lot of devices, they were immediately forgotten. And today it remains only to sympathize with mothers and their children, who had to put on all this every day.

Continuing the topic, read what else did Soviet children wear.
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