5 tips to save on electricity when you sit at home more

  • Dec 14, 2020
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The coronavirus has already gotten us all. Nevertheless, many of us have to stay a lot in our private house or apartment due to restrictions. For example, you work from home or just quarantined. As a result, most households will consume more additional electricity than usual (in I got 60% more at first before I implemented the savings measures that I will share with you Further).

So how can you continue to supply electricity to your home while maintaining a comfortable standard of living without noticing (or almost noticing) an increase in your electricity bill?

Energy saving is not savings, but smart consumption!
Energy saving is not savings, but smart consumption!

4) Organize einefficient "home office"

Whether you work from home or have kids who distance learning all day, there are many ways to minimize your energy consumption.

  1. Turn on Power Saving Mode on your computer, which reduces power consumption whenever you stop using it.
  2. A laptop uses up to 70% less power than a desktop computer, so it's time to finally switch to a laptop.
  3. You can also reduce your energy bill by turning off all unused peripherals such as printers, scanners or additional monitors.
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  4. Remember to use natural light when opening your blinds or curtains. Ideally, place your desk where natural light is most intense. If there is a lack of natural light, it makes more sense to use a table lamp, as it is more energy efficient than lighting the entire room.

3) Get the most out of your household electrical appliances

  1. Reduce the use of energy-intensive electrical appliances. For example,Drying clothes in the sun instead of drying them in the dryer means avoiding energy costs. Or, being more careful about your clothes means less ironing (especially since this ironing is even less necessary when you are at home).
  2. If you need to use any household electrical appliance, use what I call the "full load strategy". For example, if you need to wash something, make sure your washing machine is full and select a program with the shortest wash time. And if you have a dishwasher, then choose the economy mode and start it also only with a full load.
  3. Fill your refrigerator completely with food. A full refrigerator works more efficiently. Set the refrigerator to a moderate temperature of about 4 degrees, and in the freezer to minus 15 degrees. Schedule defrosting food in the refrigerator so that you do not waste electricity to defrost food in the microwave.

2) Turn off electrical appliances when not in use

In standby mode, electrical devices, especially those made with older technology, can draw significant power. Therefore, turn off devices such as TVs, audio systems and game consoles, etc. if not used.

1) Savings on lighting

Try to use natural light throughout the day and turn off excess artificial lighting.

If you still have incandescent or halogen bulbs, it is worth replacing them with LEDs. LEDs consume up to 80% less energy, so it's worth finally switching to them.